Is today your day? It is September 4 National Chianti Day, National Wildlife Day, National Newspaper Carrier Day, National Macadamia Nut Day, National Lazy Mom’s Day, National Food Bank Day, and National College Colors Day.


5 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I had my newspaper delivered daily. I got to know my carrier and his family. When he got sick the whole family kids and all pitched in. Then one friday afternoon I received a postcard in the mail from my carrier. The newspaper bigwigs decided to save some money (it wasn't much). The cancelled the traditional  delivery system. They mailed all newspapers. All those people out of work with less than 24 hours notice. I was furious. Like many I cancelled my subscription.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

Lots of good stuff today.  I'm all in.

Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

those macadamia nut cookies are really good. I'm in!

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I do want to remember Newspaper carriers out there delivering Newspapers I delivered Newspapers for about a year then gave it up when I went into my Senior year of High School...I think all Moms deserve a Lazy Moms Day, they do so much to keep the Family together I always tell youths never to forget about your Mom cause once God calls her home your life will change and you will wish that she is still alive. ..I like Wildlife where I live in City limits we will see deer wee hours of the Morning, I guess they get overpopulated in the wooded areas and come into the City areas but they are so pretty. Thank you for Question of the Day :) 😇👼🙏👍

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