I'm in for National Seat Belt Day. Many moons ago seat belts were actually "uptions" you had to purchase. The front and back seats of sedans were as large as living room couches. I remember I was bounced around many times in the back seat. Twice my dad stood on the brakes for some reason and I flew to the dash board.
Is today your day? It is November 14 National Seat Belt Day, National Family PJ Day, National Pickle Day, and National Spicy Guacamole Day.
I'm in for all of it, especially the seat belts and the guacamole! (It was a lot of fun, but I can hardly believe most of my generation survived riding in the beds of trucks and sleeping in car rear windows. )
i'm in for seatbelt, PJs, and pickles (relish on hot dogs are so good!). I've never had spicy guac :/