
John Wilkes Booth, Lee Harvey Oswald, John Hinckley Jr - Where Are You Now That We Need You?


17 Answers

nettie Profile
nettie answered
Why don't you try sending your question to the secret service and see what happens,I'll stand by and watch, you are truly having a bad day...
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
(cont'd)...assassination, by silent agreement, posting questions not clearly or meant to incite others toward assassination, character or physically-- are culpable. Clearly this Q was posted without ample info geared toward the average and worldwide user on this site, and is posted to incite vioence toward the office of president, USA, clearly. Good for you. God bless your service. God belss your patriotism and faithfulness.
Robyn Rothman
Robyn Rothman commented
I'm with you, Bgirl. The implications are outrageous and dangerous. We live in a country of laws, and we don't take those laws into our own hands.
Anonymous commented
Hello. . .this is a global web site, remember? The world doesn't revolve around the USA.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I actually don’t think any more bloodshed anywhere in this country would be a good thing.  People are still hysterical about 9/11.  Any assassination attempt would be construed as Osama Ben Laden initiated. Also I think it is too soon to evaluate Obama.  We really know very little about him.  He is a Washington outsider which is actually good.  But he does have questionable associates and a seemingly liberal agenda.  We can only hope that “Mr. Harvard” graduate is smart enough to realize that socialism is not what our founding fathers had in mind and it still is not in the best long term interest of this country.
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
You can not be serious Bick that is pretty outrageous to say something like that about even someone you despise. He may not be doing what we would like him to be doing. But to wish him to not be breathing is another thing altogether. Say it ain't so Joe.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
It ain't so, Bif. Those words were spewed by left, without punishment, 5 years ago. They are posted to prove that a double standard exists when it comes to criticism of US Presidents. Why are liberals impeccable?

I don't despise Obama or any man. But his policies are destructive so I hope he fails at achieving them.
Brian Reed
Brian Reed commented
Now you are sounding like Rush LOL. I am happy to hear those were not your words and thank you for the expanation. I have developed a sense of respect for your intelligent questions and answers. So that one just left me hangin goin what did he just say? LOL I got you now though . Thanks
Anonymous commented
Rush is a pretty smart guy. ;o)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anyone inciting, promoting or co-conspiring toward assassination of the US President is culpable and guilty of treason, according to US laws.  All those doing so should be held accountable.  It it is increasingly popular for political crazies to oversimplify and reduce the stupidity of individuals to democrat or republican political affiliations. People in general are too often thoughtless, and careless or even wreckless with such words, apparently feeling completely free to do so under the guise of permissable free speech in this country.  It is unlawful to threaten the US President, which can include veiled words of threat or inciting of such an act.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
I will gladly and readily report anyone here on this site or anywhere else who advocate the assassination of same, through very thinly veiled comments, inference, postings, or direct threats, no matter who our President is. We have a system of impeachment if the electorate determines that is what is called for. Period.
Anonymous commented
And in case you didn't notice, Charlie is not a US citizen-- a US liberal OR democrat. He is not even a citizen of US, and a comedian by trade, and used to spewing whatever he wishes to say in context of comedy rather than political commentary. Not representative of the greats among thinkers, might I add. And now very much not funny in his error and written comments, as I am sure the thinking among us have already derived... DUH.
Anonymous commented
Thank you, counsel., for that armchair legal tirade. I seem to remember that same scene in the bad News Bears movie. Is "forcible or violent overthrow of the US federal or any state government" a reasonable description of what His Excellency is perpetrating with its radical restructuring of the United States, flattening of its net worth, and silencing of media dissidents? Just curious; I don't want to ass/u/me anything.

B.T.W. This is a discussion, not a terror cell. Lighten up!
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Well, keep asking dear, someone might answer your prayer.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
That's not my prayer, TM, but the wish of liberals from 5 years ago. It's posted to illustrate the double standards applied when it comes to dissent in our country. I don't pray for anyone's death, only their failure to do evil.
Anonymous commented
Huh? Whose prayer? What prayer?
Anonymous commented
Now look who's perhaps "missed" something. Haha!
greg c Profile
greg c answered
I will read the article but right off the top I think that's a dangerous question if not at least suggestive. Whether he's good, bad, or indifferent, whether we like him or not, whatever, he needs our support AND our prayers.
Now, Bickle, as you know, I do my best not to judge anyone.  That being said: YES YOUR QUESTION IS INDEED APPROPRIATE!  However, a twofer may be what we
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
A twofer would result in Nancy Pelosi getting orders from the Teleprompter of the United States. Scary.
Sometimes one must try the lesser of two [3] evils...♥
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No assassinations please!  USA does not need another black mark on her reputation now.  But impeachment...  That works!  But what will we get in place of Obama?  Could be worse!  (wow)
Alan Profile
Alan answered
Well, we know Lee Oswald did not do it. Did the other two get framed also.
In my opinion..
Obama is just the puppet of the eluminati, jesuits,committee of 300, New world order.
Whatever one chooses to call them.
He would be replaced by another puppet.
Kennedy did not conform, Bay of pigs, Federal Bank, Vietnam war etc.
But Lyndon Baines Johnson reversed all that. Within hours of Kennedy's death while still on Airforce One. He intensified the war in Vietnam.
Have a listen to Benjamin Fulford (utube) regarding the recent take over of the Japanese monatery system by David Rochefella and Co and how they blackmailed the Japs into handing it over.

*** just ask if you want any links regarding anything I have mentioned***
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Good points indeed. The illuminati/world banks/ UN are definately up to something....
Anonymous commented
How uncommonly non-refreshing. Kinda like a french wine....dry and bitter.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Wow, thats brutal. I don't know whats worse.....harm to the great one, or the harm he is inflicting on our country. Are you suggesting justifiable homicide?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Ok, so i read the article. In reference to bush, can you imagine cheney in charge? I'm just glad the tree lost.
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered

This is proof positive that the elected officials in this country, that used to be the USA land of the free, have in fact for years now had their minds removed. The actions and conduct of any official is instead replaced with a memory module that dictates their speech, actions and in-action. Since our technology has not quite reached the level of that portrayed in the movie with Keenau Reeves, "Johnny Mnemonic", we have simply exposed the sacrifices necessary to attain such a high political office, especially President of the United States.

Lee Harvey, John Wilkes and even the Presidents (wasn't one killed prior to these two by another in a duel?) are a thing of the past. John Hinkley doesn't deserve to be included since he was just some idiot that thought some Hollywood movie re-enactment would win him the attention of a actress, thus not bestowing him the status or recognition of a person with a political agenda.

However, Mr. Hinckley should be recognized as having good taste in cinema, as Taxi Driver is quite the movie (Right Mr. Bickle! Lmao) or is this just a Travis T. The only way to regain control of this country is to set-off an EMP that will disrupt the electrical currents in the local of the President! Looks like Hollywood has done it again "The Matrix" has us all!

thanked the writer.
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Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
Talk about a great howling sound or is that just then emptiness between the ears? Talking of comedians did this just skip the knowledge base or excuse us there is no knowledge where humor is absent!
Anonymous commented
? Maybe just your need to defend when you feel defensive.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
Trouble's in sticking to topics as opposed to making personal attacks? The relationships to answers without connections make connecting the dots frustrating!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Why are you asking this question now? It's an appropriate subject for the two elections before this,

but if you're suggesting that our present President is the subject here, I do have to wonder about

a lot of things.  I don't believe that he is the Messiah, but I think that he has more power to do good

than evil, contrary to our last President and the actual subject of the above article.

thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
"If we do not learned from our past"... Oh now there is an educated person... LOL!!! The rest, Enough said.
Anonymous commented
Ever heard of a type-o Amore..... I guess someone as all-perfect as you never has. (I hope I spelled everything correctly).
Anonymous commented
Lily, did you mean "type-ho Amore"?
Janet Simmons Profile
Janet Simmons answered
I've not read the article yet, but I will.  However, I think it is God's place to judge, not ours.  I don't like our President, I don't like his cabinet, I don't like what he's done so far.  But it is crucial that we keep them all in our prayers asking for guidance and power of discernment to do what is RIGHT for this country and it's people.....
thanked the writer.
Janet Simmons
Janet Simmons commented
After reading the article...I have one question....what is the difference between depending on a "wire" and depending on a teleprompter? Just an observation!!!
Anonymous commented
Great observation! Another example of the double standard, which is rationalized in the mental disorder called liberalism.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I can almost agree with you, but violence begets violence.  As a Vietnam veteran, I've witnessed the firsthand slaughter of innocents based on the U.S. Concept of violence toward those who we fear or don't understand.  GW believes he is acting under the guidance of a benevolent God, as almost all staunchly religious peoples.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
In reading the article, I can say, no it is not appropriate. But it was written by a far therefore it must be ok.  Now if a conservative wrote the very same article.....well, you know.
thanked the writer.
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Anonymous commented
I suppose I might be a little more thick-skinned than you when it comes to matters of mine and my families well being, future and security. I am a very compassionate person, but when it comes to someone messing with my rights or well-being, I can be a lion. And for that I will not apologize. I was proud of this country at one time. Now I see it in a totally different light. I believe in calling a spade a spade, an ace. I believe in giving chances...but BO is just scarey......
Anonymous commented
So, yes... I admitt, I have much fervor when it comes to politics.
Anonymous commented
Lil - I think you are a good person with a good heart, and I know we don't agree on some things.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The question is so suggestive and seductive at this time.  We never know how many people have that at the back of their mind.  It's a frightening thought especially when you look at the line up of who will take his place.

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