In my opinion..
Obama is just the puppet of the eluminati, jesuits,committee of 300, New world order.
Whatever one chooses to call them.
He would be replaced by another puppet.
Kennedy did not conform, Bay of pigs, Federal Bank, Vietnam war etc.
But Lyndon Baines Johnson reversed all that. Within hours of Kennedy's death while still on Airforce One. He intensified the war in Vietnam.
Have a listen to Benjamin Fulford (utube) regarding the recent take over of the Japanese monatery system by David Rochefella and Co and how they blackmailed the Japs into handing it over.
*** just ask if you want any links regarding anything I have mentioned***
This is proof positive that the elected officials in this country, that used to be the USA land of the free, have in fact for years now had their minds removed. The actions and conduct of any official is instead replaced with a memory module that dictates their speech, actions and in-action. Since our technology has not quite reached the level of that portrayed in the movie with Keenau Reeves, "Johnny Mnemonic", we have simply exposed the sacrifices necessary to attain such a high political office, especially President of the United States.
Lee Harvey, John Wilkes and even the Presidents (wasn't one killed prior to these two by another in a duel?) are a thing of the past. John Hinkley doesn't deserve to be included since he was just some idiot that thought some Hollywood movie re-enactment would win him the attention of a actress, thus not bestowing him the status or recognition of a person with a political agenda.
However, Mr. Hinckley should be recognized as having good taste in cinema, as Taxi Driver is quite the movie (Right Mr. Bickle! Lmao) or is this just a Travis T. The only way to regain control of this country is to set-off an EMP that will disrupt the electrical currents in the local of the President! Looks like Hollywood has done it again "The Matrix" has us all!
but if you're suggesting that our present President is the subject here, I do have to wonder about
a lot of things. I don't believe that he is the Messiah, but I think that he has more power to do good
than evil, contrary to our last President and the actual subject of the above article.