I am British. You are quite correct there is a rigid class system in Great Britain. For example ( one of many) officers in the British army all come from upper class backgrounds. There is no exception to this rule. A lower class soldier will NEVER rise to become an officer, that is only seen in the movies! All officers in the British army come from Sandhurst training school and not through the ranks. The British army also swears its allegiance not to the country or the British people but to the Monarch and the Monarch alone. This oath of allegiance is also the same for the British police force.
The highest levels of the British civil service are also dominated by class. There is no possibility that a lower class person could ever rise to the position of permanent secretary to a government minister. Indeed, the office of Prime minister itself is exclusively reserved for those who have attended either Oxford or Cambridge university. The Prime minister must also be of the Protestant faith and no other!
The Monarch is not allowed to marry a non protestant. There is a house of Lords that sits in equal control of Parliament. Note it is a house of LORDS which means you cannot belong to it unless you are a member of the aristocracy. It is an unelected chamber made up of hereditary lordships and politically appointed lordships.
In the fields of high finance, the premium jobs in the British financial centre ( the city or 'square mile') are dominated once again by those who have attended Oxford or Cambridge university. So there you have it...captains of industry, military leaders, high civil servants and Lords, Barons, etc hold all the influential and wealthy positions in British society.
I also need to mention that in the legal system of Great Britain, the Law lords ( the highest judges in the land) are appointed for life and cannot be removed. Guess which universities they all went to?
The middle classes desperately attempt to associate themselves wit the upper class and are known as 'aspirants' It is the middle classes that fuel the economy of Great Britain by spending their money on extravagant displays of wealth to differentiate themselves from the lower working classes.
The lower working classes are known called 'chavs' in Great Britain and are the victims of much abuse from the middle classes. This is becoming very similar to the attitude towards the untouchables in India. So in short...Great Britain is in a stranglehold of class oppression and has been for the last thousand years.
The highest levels of the British civil service are also dominated by class. There is no possibility that a lower class person could ever rise to the position of permanent secretary to a government minister. Indeed, the office of Prime minister itself is exclusively reserved for those who have attended either Oxford or Cambridge university. The Prime minister must also be of the Protestant faith and no other!
The Monarch is not allowed to marry a non protestant. There is a house of Lords that sits in equal control of Parliament. Note it is a house of LORDS which means you cannot belong to it unless you are a member of the aristocracy. It is an unelected chamber made up of hereditary lordships and politically appointed lordships.
In the fields of high finance, the premium jobs in the British financial centre ( the city or 'square mile') are dominated once again by those who have attended Oxford or Cambridge university. So there you have it...captains of industry, military leaders, high civil servants and Lords, Barons, etc hold all the influential and wealthy positions in British society.
I also need to mention that in the legal system of Great Britain, the Law lords ( the highest judges in the land) are appointed for life and cannot be removed. Guess which universities they all went to?
The middle classes desperately attempt to associate themselves wit the upper class and are known as 'aspirants' It is the middle classes that fuel the economy of Great Britain by spending their money on extravagant displays of wealth to differentiate themselves from the lower working classes.
The lower working classes are known called 'chavs' in Great Britain and are the victims of much abuse from the middle classes. This is becoming very similar to the attitude towards the untouchables in India. So in short...Great Britain is in a stranglehold of class oppression and has been for the last thousand years.