"Adventure" is a relatively long word, which makes it great for word games. There are plenty of words you can make from the letters of 'adventure', but it's more fun to think of them yourself than it is to use a website to find them for you!
Without cheating, my friend and I came up … Read more
There are plenty of words that you can make from the word 'Easter', but if you want to come up with a list for homework or word games, I wouldn't advise using them all - it'll be obvious you've cheated! I'll write a list of the words I come up with in three minutes to … Read more
Shakespeare primarily wrote a particular type of sonnet, known as the Shakespearian sonnet or the English sonnet.
What Is A Sonnet?
A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines, usually about love, which originated in Italy in the thirteenth century. There are two main types of sonnet: The Petrarchan sonnet and the Shakespearian sonnet. A … Read more
You want to write something personal, that shows you know her well and expresses how you feel about her - the generic "Happy Birthday" just won't do!
Choosing the Card
- Look for a card that shows you've put effort in. If you've got an in-joke, or a shared love of something, use that.
- Does she … Read more
It doesn't cost you anything to actually write a cheque - the only money that will come out of your account is the amount that you're writing the cheque for.
For example, if you write a cheque for fifty pounds, and the other person cashes the cheque, your bank will only take fifty pounds from … Read more
If you want to keep it friendly, you're probably better off talking to them in person - if you put it in writing, it seems a lot more formal. Personally, I'd try talking to your neighbor face-to-face before putting pen to paper!
What Should I Say To My Neighbor?
Tell them the truth, … Read more
I can't tell you exactly what to get your boyfriend for your anniversary, as I don't know what he's like, what your budget is, or what your relationship is like. However, I can give you a few tips on how to choose a great gift for your anniversary!
What Should I Get My Boyfriend For … Read more
It's hard to say without knowing whether he's teasing you in an affectionate way or in a cruel way.
Reasons Your Boyfriend Might Be Teasing You In Public
- To make himself look 'big' in front of his friends
- Strangely enough, to show you off - to show other people that you're his girlfriend, and that's … Read more
I can't answer that - I don't know what your feelings for your boyfriend are!
How Do I Tell My Boyfriend How I Feel About Him?
- Don't be nervous. If you love him, tell him. Just say it. Timing is important, though - the best time to express your feelings is when you're alone … Read more
First of all, don't let him kiss you! How are you supposed to get over someone if you're still engaging in romantic acts with them? It's just not possible.
How To Get Over Your Ex
- Tell him to stop kissing you. Don't let it happen again!
- Tell him that you can't be around him because … Read more
That's really unfair on your boyfriend. Would you want him reading your text messages? A relationship without trust is destined to fail, and by spying on his text messages, you're not trusting him. If you think he's cheating, confront him about it.
Does Such Software Exist, Though?
I don't think so, no. … Read more
Definitely not - the thought of that makes me cringe, and I don't even have balls.
Why You Shouldn't Squeeze Your Boyfriend's Balls Until He's In Agony
- It's physical abuse. Unless he's a masochist and has specifically asked you to hurt him, don't do it.
- You could seriously injure him
- You're likely to get kicked, or kneed … Read more
I don't know - ask him! There are plenty of reasons why people like to shave, trim or wax their pubic hair.
Personal Grooming
Sometimes it just feels nice to be smooth all over - I love how soft my skin feels after a wax, and having body hair just annoys me and makes me … Read more
I probably wouldn't, but then it does depend on the situation. If you still love him, and want to get back with him, then go ahead and send him a card. After two months, the hurt caused by the break-up should be less painful, and so you might have a chance at starting again. … Read more
Ouch - that sounds really painful! Even if it turns you on, you might want to ask your boyfriend to be a bit more gentle with you.
How To Speed Up The Healing Process of Your Nipples
Think of nipples like lips, and what happens if you lick them too much. They get dry and … Read more
Wear something that you know he'll like, and touch him a lot - you don't want to turn him on too much though, as it'll be embarrassing for him if he gets an erection in public!
Tips For Turning Your Boyfriend On In A Public Pool Without Going Too Far
- Hug him and wrap your … Read more
I think you're looking for Amie by the American country-rock band Pure Prairie League (often abbreviated to PPL).
Amie was released in 1973 and was the first single from their debut album, Bustin' Out.
Lyrics to Amie by Pure Prairie League
I can see why you think you belong to me
I never … Read more
I Love My Girlfriend So Much But I'm Not Romantic. What Do You Think I Should Do To Show Her I Care?
Contrary to what you see in the movies, flowers, chocolate and big romantic gestures are not the most important thing in a relationship. If your girlfriend knows you love her, that should be enough. Not all women like their men to be overly romantic anyway.
On the other hand, if your girlfriend is the … Read more
First of all, get your hair cut - once the ends are split, there's really nothing you can do to 'unsplit' them. However, there are plenty of things you can do to ensure that this doesn't happen again!
Split Ends: Straighteners and Curling Tongs
Do you straighten or curl your hair? … Read more

Songwriting is all about patience. And just like any creative process, you may only get bouts of inspiration sporadically - some days you may be able to write a song in 10 minutes and others it could take ten months!
Unfortunately this is the nature of the beast, and the most important thing is not … Read more