Nicole Moore
Nicole Moore answered

It's important because by preparing you can be sure that you have included all speaking points that you planned to touch upon and so that you don't forget something that you wanted to bring up.  It's also important because if you didn't prepare you might forget parts of your speech and there's nothing worse in … Read more

Nicole Moore
Nicole Moore answered

Mountaineers carry oxygen with them because when they are out in the field they may reach high altitudes that have a very low oxygen percentage so it would be hard and potentially dangerous for them to breath without the aid of an additional oxygen source.

Nicole Moore
Nicole Moore answered Anonymous' question

  • Drink a lot of water and avoid anything high in sugars like soda and juice.
  • Get regular exercise even if it means walking a few miles a day but if you're looking to drop weight faster then push yourself to a jog or a run. Try to run outside and not on a treadmill and make … Read more

Nicole Moore
Nicole Moore answered Anonymous' question

I think it really depends what job you're applying for and how visible, ridiculous, and/or offensive your tattoos/piercings are. Image can make a huge difference when it comes to how people view you and take you seriously when you're on the job.  To some employers your tattoos (if really visible/obvious) or your piercings might detract … Read more

Nicole Moore
Nicole Moore answered

It's possible for them to have a child with a completely different phenotype than themselves but the odds of it actually happening are probably low. You would have to look at the parents' genetics to know if there's any history or allele for those traits.