Steven Billy
Steven Billy answered Arun Sharma's question

Tips to Increase Your Organic Page Ranking

1. Check current ranking

2. Define a keyword list

3. Optimize page titles

4. Setup meta descriptions

5. Used Alt tag for images

6. Optimize URL structure

7. Add right anchor tag

8. Quality content always wins

9. Increase site speed & mobile responsive

10. … Read more

Steven Billy
Steven Billy answered Jeny D'souza's question

Best SEO Tips for New Website -

1. Structure your website for your target keywords

2. Make sure each page has great, Google-friendly

3. Optimize your title tags for each primary

4. Add engaging, action-focused meta descriptions

5. Set up Google Analytics and add your website to
Google’s Search Console

6. Reach out to friends and influencers to build

7. Build … Read more

Steven Billy
Steven Billy answered Grant Wilson's question

Use Google Keyword Planner for best keyword research.

The Google Keyword Planner will show you some pretty neat stats like average monthly searches, competition level (high, medium, or low), the average cost per click, and more.

It doesn’t give you exact keyword suggestions but it actually takes it a step further and suggests more synonyms and variations … Read more