J. B.
J. B. answered question
Well, assuming the every-man even has much of a say in the first place anymore, what with all the buying and selling of favors and elections, is too much a dream from far beyond the stars... But yea, I think it's a bit ludicrous. As if any citizen of the U.S. Can go to another … Read more
J. B.
J. B. answered question
I saw something recently where someone was saying how we're so pretentious as a specie, because we actually discount natural selection and evolutionary processes as we know them and believe we should be saving however many endangered animals... Okay, so I see some basis for this belief, but I personally am an animal lover and … Read more
J. B.
J. B. answered
The biggest changes by far are technological... By leaps and bounds. What started as teletype machines and news sent by wire or telegram and printed newspapers being printed largely by hand - has become instant news via the internet, first on computers then on digital mobile downloads. Printed news has seen a decline in its … Read more
J. B.
J. B. answered question
I have to agree with Ccye2007 above... It's plainly camera tricks, invisible wires and audience participation. It surprises me to no end the gullibility of some people, and even more so the suave and cunning skill the magic and car salesman worlds use to manipulate them. It's like people who think they can talk directly … Read more