Anyone can stand as a Member of Parliament, unless they are under 21, insane, bankrupt or serving a prison sentence. Before you decide to become a politician, you need to be aware that a seat on the green benches won't come overnight. It's not enough to have strong political or ideological convictions; you also need campaigning skills, confidence, a thick skin and a lot of stamina. Local knowledge is always a plus.
Potential MPs need to be nominated for election by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be registered voters in the relevant constituency. The nomination must also be signed by eight other electors and submitted along with a fee (known as a deposit) of �500 which is returned to candidates who get more than 5% of the votes cast.
The key steps are:
1. To join the party that best represents your personal beliefs and values and get involved in their activities.
2. To take up a position of responsibility within the party or the local community, for example as a local councillor or member of the school board, to develop your skills and experience and demonstrate to yourself and others that you have the necessary abilities and interests for a full time political career.
3. To contact the party headquarters to register your interest in being selected as a candidate and ask for information on the process, deadlines for submitting applications and dates for attending interviews.
Potential MPs need to be nominated for election by a proposer and a seconder, both of whom must be registered voters in the relevant constituency. The nomination must also be signed by eight other electors and submitted along with a fee (known as a deposit) of �500 which is returned to candidates who get more than 5% of the votes cast.
The key steps are:
1. To join the party that best represents your personal beliefs and values and get involved in their activities.
2. To take up a position of responsibility within the party or the local community, for example as a local councillor or member of the school board, to develop your skills and experience and demonstrate to yourself and others that you have the necessary abilities and interests for a full time political career.
3. To contact the party headquarters to register your interest in being selected as a candidate and ask for information on the process, deadlines for submitting applications and dates for attending interviews.