
Should We Remember Ww1?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I don't think that we have forgotten, but I think that you are missing the point completely.
We are not forgetting the many British troops who died, or even their victory, we are simply
saying that war in general is wrong, and regardless of victory or defeat, it is meaningless.

Why put civilization through the pain and horror or war. To learn lessons?
I think not. War instills fear, and teaches people to fight for their country, and be
patriotic. Those are not the kind of lessons we should be learning.

"The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori."

The victory, was accomplished at a great cost, the war should have never happened in the first place, and us who have come after the war, see the ignorance and stupidity of war. Atleast the intelligent ones, who bear compassion for the general population of the world -not just the members of our nation.

We should remember it, for it's idiocy.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We rightly remember the Somme in 1916 as a bloody metaphor for the seemingly senseless slaughter of World War One – but why is it the only thing we remember?

The Battle of the Somme, especially its first day (July 1st 1916), seems to take precedence in our collective memory. Lines of British troops killed by German machine guns. Tactical ineptitude and useless sacrifice, with Douglas Haig as the chief 'Donkey'.

But two questions arise: If it was all like that, then how come the British won the war in the end? And given that the British did win, how come we forgot about it, and instead commemorate something that looks like a defeat?

We have forgotten to remember that we learnt lessons, and ultimately won the war. The reasons for that tell us as much about the political agenda of those who came after the war as it does about those who fought hard for victory.

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