How Does A Debate Work?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
A debate is where you debate on if a certain thing should be legal or illegal. There are 2 sides, the affirmative (for the reason) and negative (not for the reason) the affirmative goes first and says their speech  then after they are finished the negative sides poses question's and the affirmative answers. Then the negative side goes and poses their speech then the affirmative side goes and takes their turn in posing their question. This goes on one more time and then the Judges take their choice on seeing who will win.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Debating is basically an argument... Say if there were a (school) debate on should dogs be pets since they have wolf ancestry, two persons would research for a n amount of time and then say their speech until the judger (fake word) decides on the correct person

Suhail Ajmal Profile
Suhail Ajmal answered
A debate is a contest, or, perhaps, like a game, where two or more speakers present their arguments intent on persuading one another. There are formal and informal debates. To find the complete information about these categories, you should click here
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Debating is like an argument.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We are having a debate on school lunches, and we are the con's how would you presents our side?

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