Andrew Jackson was 7th president of the United States. He was a very important president Because he achieved many great things. But some people considered him bad and evil For how he treated the Indians and how he ruled.
Andrew Jackson was a general in the War of 1812, Jackson became a war hero when he defeated the British at New Orleans.
In 1824 Jackson wins popular votes .But in the electoral college their was no exact winner. But a deal was made between two other candidates and Adam becomes president.
Andrew Jackson felt cheated and since know one liked Adams. He didn't really accomplish anything so he wasn't a very good president. In 1828 a reelection occurred and this time Andrew Jackson was the victor. During Jackson's precedence he accomplished many important things. Such as fixing the second national bank. Some people considered this good such as the common people and the poor. But the rich didn't like the idea because the bank was favoring them. Another important thing was the Indian removal act. This was the removal all Indian tribes to areas west of the Mississippi. A reason why this is bad is because on the the Trail of Tears.(Indians migration to the west). Indians where treated like garbage they where force to travel gruesome miles in the freezing cold.
And they had to follow what ever the soldiers said. Many Indians died on the trail of tears. Another reason is that he ruled some what like a king. If their was some law that wasn't exactly what he wanted he vetoed it. He also was becoming to powerful and tried to do anything he wanted.
Andrew Jackson was the 7th president of the United States. He served from March 4, 1829 to March 3, 1837. Andrew Jackson's primary goal was to unite the states and form a nation that upheld the rights of all men. In the name of that vision, President Jackson made some serious economic mistakes that impacted negatively on the American people. Andrew Jackson's early education was poor by the standards of his time. Andrew Jackson was schooled in a one room school house. Though he learned to read, write, and do simple arithmetic, he never quite mastered the art of spelling. Later he was known for his creative spelling. Andrew Jackson's first job, at age 14, was making saddles for a craftsman on a farm. Although this job lasted only six months, he remembered it until death. He learned with this job that to earn money one must work hard. When Andrew Jackson was almost 15 years old, he returned to Charleston, South Carolina where he became a teacher in a one room school house. In 1784 when he was 16, after a year of teaching, he decided that he wanted to be a lawyer, so he traveled to Salisbury, North Carolina. There he studied law under Mr. MaCay, an attorney at law. He learned about law by copying legal documents and papers. Andrew Jackson paid close attention to Mr. MaCay when he conducted his practice. Mr. Jackson followed advice that Mr. MaCay had to offer to him. While learning law under the supervision of Mr. MaCay, Andrew Jackson was instructed to clean Mr. MaCay's office and run errands for him. After spending two years with Mr. MaCay, Andrew Jackson left his guidance and went to find a new teacher. Andrew Jackson's new teacher was John Stokes, North Carolina's leading lawyer. In 1786, after six months under the teachings of Mr. Stokes, Andrew Jackson was accepted into the bar by two state judges. In the spring of 1788, Andrew Jackson ran into a friend that he met while working at Mr. MaCay's office. John McNairy was a judge in the Western District of North Carolina which stretched as far as the Mississippi River. Mr. McNairy offered Andrew Jackson a job as a Public Prosecutor. Andrew Jackson accepted his job offer and moved to Jonesborough, Tennessee. In this job Andrew Jackson earned $600, which was only $150 less than the governor of North Carolina. In 1797, he was elected governor of Tennessee. Being governor of a state meant that Andrew Jackson had to be a part of the Congress. After Andrew Jackson's first term, which lasted only eight months, he resigned. Andrew Jackson, as a governor, impressed Thomas Jefferson, who was vice president and in charge of the Congress. By the end of 1798, Andrew Jackson was elected to the Legislature of the Tennessee Superior Court. He was fit for this job because he had a sense of what was right and was hardly biased. During his time as a judge, he proved to be fearless, honest, stern, and almost always fair. Andrew Jackson wanted more power, honor, and money. During the Revolutionary War he dreamt that he would be an army general. In 1802, the position of general was open. John Sevier did not want Andrew Jackson to become a general for fear that Mr. Jackson would have too much power. After a year of Mr. Sevier debating with Andrew Jackson for the spot of army general, Governor Roane appointed Andrew Jackson as the General of the Tennessee Militia. While waiting to be called on for battle, Andrew Jackson moved to Louisiana, where he made a partnership with two me. They opened a cotton gin and distillery shop. He owned three stores in nearby towns. In the stores, he sold rifles, skillets, salt, coffee, wine, calico fabric, cotton, tobacco, pelts, and to top it all off, he bought and sold slaves. In June of 1804, he was elected Major General of the United States. Being Major General taught Mr. Jackson a lot about leadership and how he must always stay calm, even during an emergency. Andrew Jackson had two major accomplishments. Andrew Jackson influenced the development of the president's power. UP until Andrew Jackson was president the legislative branch would make the laws and the president would make the citizens obey it. Andrew Jackson did not like that set up. Andrew Jackson felt that he was leader of the whole nation and that since the people elected him to be president he should have a say in the laws being made. In 1835, Andrew Jackson was able to reduce the federal debt to $33,733.05. That was the lowest the federal debt had been since the first fiscal of 1791. Andrew Jackson was the only president in United States history to ever succeed in paying off the federal debt. During his presidency, he accomplished things that were not in the best interest of the United States. Andrew Jackson fought a war against the Bank of the United States. In the words of Milton Meltzer, author of Andrew Jackson and His America, p.134 “At the same time that Jackson fought his relentless war against the Indians, he fought another war-against a bank-the Bank of the United States. In the Jackson legend it is often called the war against the money power. Here is the courageous president battling for the benefit of the 'little man.'” In 1818, the Bank of the United States was almost at the point of collapse. The Bank made the people pay their obligations in gold or silver. Many people only had paper money which resulted in them not paying their obligations. The people not being able to pay their obligations caused the Panic of 1819. The Panic of 1819 was a time of severe depression. This depression was the cause of many people's wages being slashed by two-thirds and workers being cut from the payroll. Many people believed that the Bank was at fault for this and also believed that no bank should be trusted, especially the Bank of the United States. So ten years later, when Andrew Jackson took office, he tried his hardest to abolish the Bank of the United States. Andrew Jackson had strong personal feelings against the Bank from the Panic of 1819. Andrew Jackson was victorious in taking away all of the money from the Bank. Unfortunately, this also caused another recession. Andrew Jackson was a very racist man, like most of the leaders in his time. He believed that all Native Americans and African Americans had no right owning any land in the United States. Jackson wanted a “white” America. He did not want Indians to live among whites. In 1830, Andrew Jackson signed the Indian Removal Act of 1830. This Act stated that all Indian land east of the Mississippi River would be given over to the government in exchange for land west of the Mississippi River given to the Indians for eternity. Andrew Jackson basically co-wrote the Act because of the letter he wrote to the Congress on December 8th, 1829. Albert Marrin, author of Old Hickory Andrew Jackson and the American People, on page 219, made a summary of Andrew Jackson's letter. “In short, forget all previous treaties! State laws rank higher than treaties the federal government made with Indians. Tribes are not sovereign, not independent nations within states. Indians living in a state must abide by its laws. If they object, they must move away and live under a form of government they choose. Nobody can force them to go, but if they refuse, Washington supports the states' right to bring them under its law, if necessary by force.” Andrew Jackson made many treaties with Indians but they were rarely honored by the government. After the Act was passed by the Congress, the state of Georgia immediately started violently removing Indians from the land without warning. This was only the beginning of what would happen to the Indians at the hand of the “white man”. In 1832, Andrew Jackson signed the Tariff of 1832 that taxed imported and exported goods. The North grew successfully under this tariff. This tax was rough on the southerners. If Andrew Jackson continued to tax imported goods then southerners couldn't sell their products to the English. South Carolina firmly refused to pay the taxes and threatened to withdraw from the Union if the tariff was enforced. South Carolina thought that Jackson was going to agree with their side of the issue. If Jackson had, he would have lost the respect of the North. Since the North had more inhabitants than the South, the North could pass any tax they wanted. Andrew Jackson's Vice President, John Calhoun, wanted to protect the Southern states from majority rule and developed the idea of “Nullification”. A state could declare that a law does not apply to them, meaning it is null, and therefore the law would be invalid. The northerners couldn't understand this way of thinking. They felt that the word “nullification” was just a fancy word for “treason”. To avoid war and keep the states together, the Tariff was rewritten to be more acceptable to the southerners so they would not declare it null. Although Mr. Jackson created a political compromise that avoided the crisis, he created more strain on the relationship between the North and the South. Andrew Jackson was an excellent political leader. Andrew Jackson was able to understand people from all walks of social and economic life and could comfortably communicate with them. Andrew Jackson was a very determined man. He always stayed motivated. These traits worked for him and against him during his presidency. His violent temper was part of his undoing. His determination ran to the extreme. On an issue where he should have maintained rational and objective, instead the issue quickly became personal and rationality and compromise took a backseat. While trying to fix small problems, he created bigger ones. As a result, he caused a depression, banished an entire race and caused the country to start to split in two: North and South.
GOOD THINGS ANDREW JACKSON DID AS PRESIDENT Increase suffrage by having many states take away property requirements on voting, and let the common man run the country He was one of the nation’s most famous military heroes for his victory in the Battle of New Orleans during the War of 1812. He was considered a president that stood fro equality of opportunity and for the right of ordinary Americans to better themselves. The average American took a far more active interest in politics than ever before during his term. BAD THINGS ANDREW JACKSON DID AS PRESIDENT: During his term, he also issued the Specie Circular, which required payment in gold or silver for public land. This policy contributed to an economic depression in 1837, after he left office and Martin Van Buren took over. His cabinet all resigned during his term due to the Peggy Eaton Affair. He threatened to hang former cabinet member John C. Calhoun He threatened military force on South Carolina for not wanting to pay his high taxes on imports. He let the Georgia government go against Supreme Court Chief Justice John Marshall’s ruling and remove the Cherokee from Georgia and into the Indian Territory. Although many Cherokee died on the Trail of Tears, Jackson did provide land for those who survived the journey. There, they didn’t have to worry about attacks from the Georgia militia or others who wanted them removed because the government OFFICIALLY recognized that that was their land. (These are my debate notes for the question "If we could re-write history, should we write Andrew Jackson out of it" I hope this helps you! I have the "pleasure" of saying no, we need to keep him in it, and I have to debate agianst my twin sister. This should be fun. We could probably turn it into a sit-com...)
I will give you some good and bad written by me and my class... First is bad and it is the trail of tears. The trail of tears was a cold trail on the way west. And 1 4th of people died. The Cherokee had to move west to the Indian territory because General Winfield Scott forced them out of there homes with nothing but there clothes on there back. In 1830 the Congress of the United States passed the "Indian Removal Act." Although many Americans were against the act, most notably Tennessee Congressman Davy Crockett, it passed anyway. President Jackson quickly signed the bill into law. The Cherokees attempted to fight removal legally by challenging the removal laws in the Supreme Court and by establishing an independent Cherokee Nation. At first the court seemed to rule against the Indians. In Cherokee Nation v. Georgia, the Court refused to hear a case extending Georgia's laws on the Cherokee because they did not represent a sovereign nation. In 1832, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Cherokee on the same issue in Worcester v. Georgia. In this case Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that the Cherokee Nation was sovereign, making the removal laws invalid. The Cherokee would have to agree to removal in a treaty. The treaty then would have to be ratified by the Senate. To compensate the Cherokee for their loss without retaining some land and living a normal life among the settlers, Ross came up with the figure of 20 million dollars, or about 25% of the value of the land if sold separately to each settler. For this amount 17,000 men, women and children would leave voluntarily and relocate to the Indian Territory, now the state of Oklahoma. This comes to a payment of just under $1200 per person. This is roughly $4.34 per acre (the going rate for similar, nearby land sold in the state of Georgia in 1835 was between $18.00 an acre and $25.00 an acre. I think that the trail of tears was a bad thing to happen and the Cherokee should have not got kick out. Another bad one is the spoils system The Spoil System was the practice of winning candidates, then giving the government jobs to political backers and supporters. This is wrong to put these people ahead of more hard working, smarter, and more experienced people. Doing this is favoritism, just because they helped them with their election doesn't mean they should be rewarded with jobs that they might not be equipped for. In the political system of the United States, a spoil system, also known as a patronage system is an informal practice where a political group, after winning an election, gives government jobs to its voters and backers as a reward for winning the victory, and as a bribe or incentive to keep working for the party, as opposed to a system of awarding offices on the basis of some measure of merit independent of political activity. The term was derived from the phrase "'to the victor belong the spoils..." by New York Senator William L. Marcy. Similar spoils systems are common in other nations. One of Jackson's many other terrible choices was the spoil system. This was when he replaced all government workers with people who were loyal to the office holder's political party. This was a terrible choice because many qualified, hard working, deserving, innocent workers will lose their jobs to less qualified and not as experienced people. This is not fair at all and it makes Jackson seem like a very irresponsible, immature president. This is unfair because he is just ignoring the other half of the country that was simply just voicing their opinion. Also the new workers that Jackson picked were defiantly not as experienced, so the quality of the goods and products are lower. IT IS NOT FAIR!! A good thing is his leader ship One reason Jackson was a good leader because of his war experience. At age thirteen he joined the militia to fight in the Revolutionary War. He was very brave and never backed down he always stood up for what he believed in even at such a young age. After the war of 1812 he was appointed general in the army. In the battle of New Orleans in 1815, he soundly defeated the British even though they were so greatly outnumbered. After this defeat he became a national war hero. He knew how to run a proper army so people trusted him to know how to run a proper country. Jackson's humble background, and his reputation as a war hero, helped make him president. People loved that he supported the common man instead of just the wealthy. I defiantly agree with that. They felt that he was one of them. I think that's the kind of person I would want running my country. Many saw his rise above hardship as a real American success story. This brought in many votes. The fact that Andrew built a successful legal practice proved that he had great leadership skills. You wouldn't be able to do that with out those skills. He was very smart and he knew how to handle things. He also could handle land very well. He purchased a plantation near Nashville and ran successfully for Congress. Andrew was a great person and president for our country to be lucky enough to have. He was a firm person who got things done. The fact that he was re-elected proved that people knew he was a good leader. They wanted him to continue making important decisions for our country.
Well andrew jackson is a very controversial president. There are always two sides of his actions. First the spoils system, the removal of the indians and the tearing down of the National Bank. It was bad that he got his supporters on the high posts as advisors because they were not professionals, but at the same time they were representing the common man. The removal of the indians showed how cruel he was while it gained America new lands. The attack on the national bank made the money trickle down to lower class, while the economy suffered badly making no place for new businesses.
There were many good things Jackson did for the country. The country's debt was the lowest it's been since the first fiscal year. However, despite the numerous good things he did for the country; they are minute. He was the first true Hitler. Jackson was a leading advocate of a policy known as Indian removal. He referred the this Indian removal as the "Final Solution". More than 45,000 American Indians were relocated to the West during Jackson's administration. This resulted in the deaths of over 4,000 Cherokees on the "Trail of Tears." He wanted a race obliterated, and we reward him with putting his face on the $20 bill. He was a white, powerful man with Christian beliefs (By the way, I'm white and Christian so this isn't biased in anyway.) those are the ONLY reasons we rewarded him for "cleansing" our nation. On the other hand, our nation was founded upon hypocrisy.
Andrew Jackson forced 5 tribes out of his land to walk a torturous journey of 800 miles to oklahoma killing many of them. He was known as a Native american hater. If you ask me I don't think that he should be on the $20 bill!!!
Oh wow, this was posted up 2 years ago, but I'm actually working on something at this moment and the critics have good perspectives on his presidency.
As for me, I think he was very hypocritical. He contradicted many of his actions and it is very hard to define what he really was. The major thing that defined him was his LEADERSHIP, nobody that I've read now can honestly compare to his stuborness. He was a very strong-willed man. He was able to conquer the people's hearts and create the Democrat Party to have a voice for the people. That's simply outstanding. It's kind of funny, how we had several presidents before him, but none of them truly did much for the country. They kind of did it for themselves to prosper. Well, anywho, he was very nationalistic and had great importance for the country along with the people. Another thing that I thought was very successful of his part, was the Bank War. Many people think that this was a breaking point and it destroyed him, but it actually made him. Many people began to hate him, but he didn't care. He backed up the peoples's rights and the bank was corrupt. How greater of a man could he be? Seriously.
Yeah, well the Trail of Tears is kind of saddenning and I had no respect for him at the beginning, when I knew he had done this, but once you really start reading on it, you develop your own opinion and it becomes a strong one.
I should really get going on my essay. I hope it sort of helped somebody out there!
Yes, I think Andrew Jackson should be on the twenty dollar bill, because even though he did some bad things, like the Trail of Tears, and taking Florida away from the Spanish, and taking the Cherokee land away. Andrew Jackson did some great things like; He expanded voting for all males, not only white males.
He was the 7th President of the US from 1829-1837 He was one of the Nations most famous military heroes for his victory in the battle of New Orleans in the War of 1812. He was considered a President that stood for equality of opportunity and for the right of ordinary Americans to better themselves.The average American took a far more active intrest in politics than ever before during his term. During his term he also issued the Specie Circular ,which required payment in gold or silver for public land. This policy contributed to an economic depression in 1837, after he left office.His cabinet fell apart during his term. He threatened to hang a former cabinet member and threatened military force on South Carolina for not wanting to pay his high taxes on imports. Other than being a Military hero and getting more people out to vote, I can't see any good that he did as President.
I don't know much about this either and I'm working on a similar assignment on Andrew Jackson, so I feel your pain. I'll try to help. Andrew Jackson was a terrible president in my opinion, but whatever. He was very opposed to the National Bank. It was his obsession to destroy it since he saw it as a corrupt institution that held too much power, and threatened America's stability. He was certainly a war monger. He was ALWAYS looking for a fight and he also had thousands of Native Americans forced off their lands in the trail of tears so that whites could expand westward.
Jackson wasn't necessarily evil he just tried to gain popularity at the expense of others, like middle school teens. Jackson did both good and bad things. For example Jackson was a very strong man, a war hero. He also kept the nation from civil war a little longer. The power just went to his head a bit. The trail of tears was very wrong though... :) Have a great day!
He practiced the spoils system-- giving only his "friends" belonging to his political party (Democrats) positions in government. He dismissed those who belonged to the losing political party. He vetoed the Second Bank, and he forced many Native Americans to move, beginning the Trail of Tears.
Andrew Jackson prevented runaway slaves from seeking refuge in Florida, invaded Spanish territory without orders, and influenced the jak-ass that is now the symbol of the Democratic Party .
He was a leader who purposefully took the helm of a nation in dissarray, and steered our country to a brighter time. A brave man who molded the era and face of the gov't with the democratic party
Is Andrew Jackson Good or Bad well I say both. Why I say that is because he sometimes did stuff he shouldn’t have done like when he got into a gun fight. I mean seriously what if he got killed then he would be able to run for president. But, that shows he won’t deny a fight or give up to show he’s a good fighter and sticks to anything.
Also he tried to get ride of all the Indians I thought that America wanted everybody to be treated equally? Well I guess not to him because he moved 45,000 Indians to the west. He even killed over 4,000 Indians that’s just wrong.
Some stuff was just stupid lies. Saying stuff he did when he really didn’t. Witch made people hate him because they thought it was true. So becoming president and getting votes was even harder. Also he wasn’t even able to go out west and tell people it was a lie. So some people if they didn’t hear it from him they would believe it was just a lie and listen to what ever was in the news.
He also didn’t like the National Bank since he became president. It was his idea to destroy it since he saw it as a corrupt part in America that held too much power and threaten America's stability. I think that was kind of bad and good because we needed a stable currency for America and I think that helped it but starting another one instead of fixing it was probably harder.
Well I think now he was a bad president. Why I say that now is because he took flordia away from the Spanish. Also he took away Cherokee land.
Well for one thing he was fair to everyone but he destroyed the Second Bank and he created the Trail of Tears (but it was an accomplishment according to him) and yeah you know it was just a weird reign
He was such a bad president because he had fired one of his senates I believe, although he had absolutely no right to. He had been taken to court and was almost impeached.
He was a president with courage. Jackson killed the bank. People will call him the American Hitler but if you actually think about it America still supports genocide. Just look at how much money and miltary support is given to Israel for their genocide of the Palestinians. Remember, fiat money always destoys empires. If we do not kill the Federal Reserve we will become slaves to the bankers.
Good he was just thinking of the Success of america when he did all those bad things to the indians and he might have started it but congress wouldnt let it stop.
Killing the national bank isn't good stupid it creates sectionalism and these state banks create their own printed money if they need it and that leads to inflation which lead to an economic crisis called The Panic of 1837
Well to me, he's a bad president because he took advantage of the federal court by taking money out of national banks and putting it into state banks which caused the panic of 1837
A. Johnson was a democrat from the south. B. Also, another negative thing about Johnson was that Johnson was a former slave owner. He owned about 150 slaves and did not free them even in his will.
It could go either way- to me a bad, he killed many innocent indians for land. But I guess the ends justify the means, if he had not done it we would not be the country we are today and you might not even be here
I think he was a horrible president because of him forcing all the eastern Indian expesily making the Chairuceat Indians go and live west and Taken their land ! He was also a horrible man before he was president! I hope you go with what I said and I hope you like what I said O and I hope you get a "A" well bye
He was over proud of himself just because he was a good fighter in the wars. & thought that he knew everything that was good for our country even tough our govt. Collapsed
Wow andrew jackson was a bad person be because he killed everything and right know I am writing this essay on him bening good and I can't find anything what he did good 4 the national bank !
Lol I had the same essay. He seemed okay at first but he is not a nice guy. There was a bunch of paintings about him killing banks, america, politic enemies. Evil. The only good was he fought in the first war for america.
Andrew Jackson was an awful President, He was more of a king. He trampled all over the constitution, He was rude, & Selfish. In addition, He destroyed the White House, Spat tobacco on the floors, & had a wild party with his friends in the white house.
He was a bad president because of what he did to the natives and how he dealt with south carolina trying to nullify tariffs that were harmful to how the state ran
Andrew Jackson forced the Cherokee Indians to march thousands of miles without sufficient food or protection. He also destroyed the nation's economy. Yet, there is something to be said for a man who got the public to like him so much. I'm really torn. He's very much like Hitler.
I think he was a very good president I know he wasn't born here and ext. But he was a very brave boy and he saved his home, he loved his family and missed them very much well this is what I think so byye!!
He has many sides to him. Some good, some bad. Wonder if he went to heaven or to heck? Haha just kiddin! Trail of Tears, terrible. Interest for the common people, good.
I think he was a bad president ... Thruout his life he owned as many as 300slaves! Thats a lot! ... Sure he was war expierienced but he killed 1/4 of the indiand on the trail of tears ... And thats all I got bye ...
He constitutionalized our founding shnee shnees and sharted on the indians! Altogether a snoopy (good) president. SHNEE SHNEE and DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION to all, and to all a good shnee. I miss my wifey
Well he was known as the commen mans president. He threw a lot of parties. He wasn't exactly a bad president but he got most of his support from the south/west, he was known for *mud slinging* which was miss use of money and he was known for duels. And jackson was known for using the spoils system which is rewarding your friend with giving them public office which led to poor government officials and corruption. He is known for the tariff of abomination which the northa facored for industry but the south didn't because they were farmers. This act led to the nullification of S.C. Which also leads to them trying to succeed but jackson uses military force to keep them in. He is also known for the trail of tears which is the indian removal. He also gets rid of the national bank which leads to wild cat banks and an unstable dollar.
When he destroyed the bank of the united states he caused the u.s. People to go into a recession! He also invented that a state could vote a law null. He caused the native americans to walk the trail of tears. He was the first president to use the spoils system. He also native the democratic party grow. Gave the president more power. Lowered the federal debt a lot.
He was a TERRIBLE president. He killed indians, forced them out of their homes, how can you people even say that he was somewhat good? He was a murderer and just because he had all the deaths in his family doesn't mean you should feel the least bit sorry for him. Theres a lot of people out there like that that have nothing but themselves left.
Andrew Jackson was a stone, cold-faced bigot. You can see it when you look at his picture on the twenty dollar bill. Some of you want to give this man credit when he should not get it. He was a murderer! I may be wrong about this but I also think he was the president who had the vice-president who was having sex with the slave woman. His vice-president married the girls from his slave mistress to white men but sold the male children he had with her off to other slave masters. That little crowd of friends he had and kept were a bunch of rednecked bigots!!
I think he wasnt that bad I mean someone had to eventually get rid of the indians it was just a matter of who and how, I just don't think he handled the how part very well