
Where Do Mexican Immigrants Settle In The Us?


4 Answers

Kyoko Katayama Profile
Kyoko Katayama answered
The question doesn't ask WHY Mexican immigrants settle in the US, it asks WHERE bo Mexican immigrants settle in the US.  They settle where there is already a sizeable population of Mexicans, namely, in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and Colorado.

I can see why Lascruces might have negative feelings toward Mexican immigrants.  They appear to have taken his place in school and he was left out in the rain.  Some people can't help but be pendejos.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
First of all, it's not only Mexican Immigrants who collect well fare. You need to get your facts straight before you discriminate. Secondly, This question has nothing to do with why Mexicans collect well fare. We are all humans, no race is better than the other. So people who put down others have to get a slap of reality and stop being so ignorant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because they want to live the american dream and come and take all of our welfare thats why you always see mexican lady's with like a bunch of kids packed in one van it dumb they need to go back to mexico

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