Are There Any Normal Good People Left In The World?


10 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that is definitely a perfectly justified question right there. The world has become such a destructive, uncaring place within such a short period of time; it can be a little depressing at times. Destructive and uncaring has become the norm these days. People can't even remember what it was like to abide by certain simple moral standards and to care for another person, have compassion for them. In fact, you often have to be prepared to be treated like a complete outsider and a weirdo if you do dare to be so. But hey, rather be an outsider and a “weirdo” than be forced into a mould that shouldn't even exist in the first place. Rather be an outsider and a considered odd than allow myself to be bound by social constraints.

Having said that, although "normal" can be generalised and defined as what the majority of society accepts, "normal" is in fact something completely different to every individual. What most people are probably looking for in a person, or to be more specific, a partner, is someone who is quite "abnormal" and different, in addition to someone who fits in with the majority of their ideals. I don't think there's anything wrong with looking for someone like that either, after all, what most people are searching for is not exactly something that should be impossible to find. Extremely difficult and often frustrating, yes, but impossible, I truly like to believe not.

So don't give up hope, people! We are out there, although far and few between.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are loads of normal people left in the world and I am one of them no pills no drugs hate all that cr-p on t.v and do what I can for charity along with most of my mates you must be looking in the wrong place, the north east of England is full of good understanding people
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I hope there are people left in the world that aren't like what you see on the news. I really hope there are people left in the world with morals, that don't want to harm others because they can. I try to be what I want others to be "NICE" to each other.
Penny Kay Profile
Penny Kay answered
I have heard the saying that 'Normal is a setting on a Washing Machine'. That being said. Judging from the contributions on this site, there are a good number of us still mixed in with the chaff.
batool shamim Profile
batool shamim answered
Yes there are still a lot of people out there who are 'normal', they live far from city life, they do not lead complex lifestyle where one thing is chained with other. They are normal because they eat and live naturally and one those who can not afford all luxuries. One solution to be normal is to be simple, avoiding more advanced lifestyle where person is bound to adopt such activities that probably create problems. Excess use of money and luxuries makes mind shattered. First people feel to have all happiness by money, when they get so, they eat pills and drugs to make themselves normal. They get more worst than they were in the beginning.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You people will deny me on this but most people have pushed Jesus to the side and then you wonder why the world is what it is to day, wake up before it is to late!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
There are good people, but they're the ones getting the work done and don't have time to live life other than work and taking care of their homes and families. Plus, there is such a lot of "literature" out there (produced by those who feel superior to the rest of us) which cautions the self-absorbed to avoid people with problems. It might ruin their perfect little lives, don't you know!

Real people, good people, often do have problems, because they're run down and overworked trying to do all the world's work for minimal wages!.

And look to the commissioned medical community and our overly pharmaceutical lobbied government for why so many people are on so many pills! Just go in for a check up and they want to prescribe a box full! And check out the look on their faces when you tell them you don't take pharmaceutical drugs. It's like you took away the Christmas present from a 4 year old! (And they give us those crap TV shows to depress us all so we will take their stupid pills!)

Avoid those who think they're better than you, and don't be afraid to join with others who are disillusioned with the way the world has been taken over by the self-indulgent! Speak out!!!
Everett Giles Profile
Everett Giles answered
I think there are some normal people left. I grew up with abuse and have learned to adapt to it. I left home when I was 19 to find something better, but never found it. Sometimes you have to accept bad things in your life and learn how to make something positive out of it. I know this sounds crazy, but it is true.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It seems that there aren't, but there are still a few normal people left on this earth. I hate to sound pessimistic, but I have delt with some people who pretend to be fine people, but turned out to be just the opposite. Be cautious who you let next to your heart and pray.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Who cares???? If they are not normal or not. The question is, "are you normal"?????

Why do you want other people to actually care for you. You seems to me a teenage girl.

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