
Why Are Freud's Theory Is So Controversial?


1 Answers

Ethan Horsley Profile
Ethan Horsley answered
Freud's theories have not always been so controversial.. They were 'formed' during the Victorian era in Austria and were widely accepted as a fact....  However, in a modern society, theories that continuously show women as second class citizens is not likely to go without comment from feminists and equalitists alike.. One prime example of Freud depicting women as second class was his stating that women were inferior to males morally as they had no "fear of castration" like men do (however, this fear is thought to be mainly a metophorical one than a phsycial threat i.e. Young boys are scared to be made to look feminine by their peers; rather than have their genitals removed.).  A further reason as why some of Freud's theories are controversial is that they are not testable, and so a not this/provable; and so have no validity in their claims, which are based purely on case studies, not properly carried out investigations.  There is also the fact that Freud "discovered" his theories during a period of heavy drug abuse; and during this time claimed that all children are sexually attracted to their opposite sex parent (?!?)  known as the Oedipal/Electra complex.  These are just some of the reasons as to why Freud's theories are controversial..

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