16 centuries ago, inhabited by Indians. Spain's La Plata in 1535 to establish strongholds for colonization. In 1776 in Spain, with the Governor of La Plata, Buenos Aires as the capital area. May 25, 1810 Buenos Aires, set off against the Spanish rule the people of the "May Revolution", a government commission was set up first. In 1812, the Argentine people under the leadership of St. Martin in the national hero carried out against the Spanish colonial army large-scale armed struggle, and finally in July 9, 1816 declaration of independence. To develop the first constitution in 1853 established the Federal Republic, Urquiza was elected the first president. 1862 Bartolome miter president, ending a long-term post-independence division and chaos. Since the 20th century, 30 years since the turn of the ruling appears soldier and a civilian situation. In 1983, Alfons in elected government came to power, restore the constitution, and vigorously promote the democratization process.
April 2, 1982 Argentina and Britain over the Malvin as Islands sovereignty issue, due to the outbreak of the Falklands war, the same year, June 14, the British defeated the Albanian army, the continued occupation of the Malvin as.
April 2, 1982 Argentina and Britain over the Malvin as Islands sovereignty issue, due to the outbreak of the Falklands war, the same year, June 14, the British defeated the Albanian army, the continued occupation of the Malvin as.