
Do Girls Scratch With Their Long Nails When They Get Mad?


4 Answers

Robin Burden Profile
Robin Burden answered
Not all girls scratch people with their nails when they get mad.

In fact, most girls don't react in a physically aggressively way when they get angry at all.

I would suggest that only the ones that have difficulty controlling their anger do things like that!

Angry girls scratching people with their nails
If you've ever seen women (or men) get into a fight, you'll know that all sense of civility goes straight out of the window. This is because, if someone feels threatened or in danger, their instinct is to use any possible means of self-defense.

Scratching with long nails is one weapon available to women - but this doesn't mean that all girls automatically scratch people whenever they get angry, though.

If a girl reacts by lashing out with her nails every time she gets upset, then she probably has anger management issues that need to be addressed.

Girls scratching with their long nails
In my research for this answer, I happened to stumble upon a relatively-unknown sexual fetish involving men who enjoy being scratched by women.

The sexual gratification that some men derive from being scratched is apparently so great that they frequently use scratching as a form of sex-play.

Some guys even post videos of their scratch marks for other members of the fetish community to comment on.
Eunice Kwarteng Profile
Eunice Kwarteng answered
If you get me really upset and we end up fighting - good luck! You're going back home with a fresh face!
Okonkwo Beverly Profile
Okonkwo Beverly answered

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