There are a number of slogans that can be given to discourage bullying. It is a common fact that a number of bullies have been bullied in the past so a good slogan would be, "Only bullies bully." Other slogans that could be deemed as useful are:
• Bullying Stops Here
• No Bully Zone
• Stop! Bully! Stop!
These slogans can be developed if they are to be made into posters. Animation and other graphics can be used, and in the case of No Bully Zone, a line could be placed through the word bully in a circle, much like the no smoking signs that can be seen the world over. Slogans can also be made into songs, which could discourage the bullying that takes place.
Cyber bullying is common at the moment and some slogans that could be used to discourage and raise awareness of this are:
• Cyber-Bully Free Zone
• Cut Out the Cyber Bully
• When You're in Cyberspace, Keep Yourself Safe
The anti-bullying website contains useful information to raise awareness of bullying in all forms, and can be used as a helpful resource for those who are being bullied. Some of the information on the site includes a list of different types of bullying and the costs of bullying.
There are also useful links to training workshops to counter the effects of bullying on school children, from a teacher's perspective and from a parent's perspective. A lot of schools have taken part in the No Bully Schools initiative and these are listed on the site, together with the benefits of taking part in this program.
Bullying is a social problem which can affect people throughout society, regardless of age, sex or gender. Most people associate bullying with the school play ground and something that only children of a certain age have to put up with, but statistics prove that bullying in the home and in the work place can be just as rife.
Much is written every year on the subject of bullying by education authorities, trade unions, councils and interest groups in an effort to combat the problem. There are also a number of memorable quotes on bullying, mostly against the practice and here are a select few from some prominent figures throughout history who have felt the need to speak up against the practice.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself." - Harvey S. Firestone
"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke." - Benjamin Disraeli
"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, to say no. That's where toughness comes into play. Toughness is not being a bully. It's having backbone." - Robert Kiyosaki
"The bullying stopped when I claimed myself and proved that I wasn't afraid. A lot of it was when I was hiding when I was younger" - Randy Harrison
Bullying can be a serious problem and anyone who feels they are a victim should make it known to their teacher or employer, it is also worth keeping a log of any bullying you feel you are subject to, so if you need to contact the appropriate authorities you have a record.
• Bullying Stops Here
• No Bully Zone
• Stop! Bully! Stop!
These slogans can be developed if they are to be made into posters. Animation and other graphics can be used, and in the case of No Bully Zone, a line could be placed through the word bully in a circle, much like the no smoking signs that can be seen the world over. Slogans can also be made into songs, which could discourage the bullying that takes place.
Cyber bullying is common at the moment and some slogans that could be used to discourage and raise awareness of this are:
• Cyber-Bully Free Zone
• Cut Out the Cyber Bully
• When You're in Cyberspace, Keep Yourself Safe
The anti-bullying website contains useful information to raise awareness of bullying in all forms, and can be used as a helpful resource for those who are being bullied. Some of the information on the site includes a list of different types of bullying and the costs of bullying.
There are also useful links to training workshops to counter the effects of bullying on school children, from a teacher's perspective and from a parent's perspective. A lot of schools have taken part in the No Bully Schools initiative and these are listed on the site, together with the benefits of taking part in this program.
Bullying is a social problem which can affect people throughout society, regardless of age, sex or gender. Most people associate bullying with the school play ground and something that only children of a certain age have to put up with, but statistics prove that bullying in the home and in the work place can be just as rife.
Much is written every year on the subject of bullying by education authorities, trade unions, councils and interest groups in an effort to combat the problem. There are also a number of memorable quotes on bullying, mostly against the practice and here are a select few from some prominent figures throughout history who have felt the need to speak up against the practice.
"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life, but define yourself." - Harvey S. Firestone
"Courage is fire, and bullying is smoke." - Benjamin Disraeli
"A lot of people are afraid to tell the truth, to say no. That's where toughness comes into play. Toughness is not being a bully. It's having backbone." - Robert Kiyosaki
"The bullying stopped when I claimed myself and proved that I wasn't afraid. A lot of it was when I was hiding when I was younger" - Randy Harrison
Bullying can be a serious problem and anyone who feels they are a victim should make it known to their teacher or employer, it is also worth keeping a log of any bullying you feel you are subject to, so if you need to contact the appropriate authorities you have a record.