
Was Life Easier For Teens 50 Years Ago?


14 Answers

Nyall Jenkins Profile
Nyall Jenkins answered
It was harder and Easier.
Easier Because:
- There was no peer pressure to try drugs and have sex
- There wasn't pressure to be the person to have all the new things
- And life was just simpler and not as complicated
- I'm sure there was more work for them
- Not as much freedom?
- they didn't have as much technology to help with certain things
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It Was Kinda both was harder before as they never had any technology to make life easier and saves time , but then again as they didnt have all tht thy had a chance to keep fit and it kept them moving around more but nowadays everyones just reallt lazy and they depend on machines etc as it does all the work for them. Its also affecting teenagers education as they are so busy with the inventions they don't have time for anything else.

Naziie 2k10 x
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think life was easier for teens 50 years ago because back then kids didn't have so much peer pressure from other kids to have the next big thing such as ipods or cell phones. Also there used to be less crime so kids had more freedom.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Thank you for this important question.I think really that our teenager epoque is more difficult even if now they have the privilege of best social condition;more freedom and peace;all means of technology and paternal support to practice sport and hobbies....but it still hard to save them from a several vices of our time. Including the bad use of technology and also their freedom which became under parent's control:the majority victims of drugs;violence;alcohol;homos sexuality.suicide...and so on :and so far  are teenager whereas before they were more wise and obedient .they believe at least on ethic....I think really that saving them and helping them to pass this critical age is the responsibility of parents and also teachers. And every one who can gives them advise and stand with them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I think it was easier because back then you could just walk around town and not be afraid of getting kidnapped or something
emma louise Profile
emma louise answered
I wouldn't say easier I would say were a different generation with different things influencing us from how teenagers were brought up 50 years ago. Times have changed and so have your teens.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

I'm sure people didn't worry about their kids getting kidnapped because they never had news telling about all the murders and kidnappings, but I'm sure there were as much kidnappings and murders as there are today, we just hear about it more often because of the news and media. Which sucks, because that's why parents are so overprotective of their kids now.

Kevin jinkins Profile
Kevin jinkins answered
I would have to say.... No mostly because thats like my grandparents and they have told me stories about how we as children are really lucky that we have all the freedom and electronics and other stuff like that. Did you know that back then you needed to get back to your house at like 4 or 5 o' clock! Because it got dark much faster than it does now.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think it was way easier!
No sex,drugs and rock n roll! :p
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think life was easier for teens 50 years ago because there wasn't as much peer pressure to have the next big thing. Just think of all the times you child has come up to you and said they want something because there friend has it. This problem didn't occur back awhile ago.
     I also think it was more difficult for security reasons. Cell phones have made life easier for us and ipods have given us more entertainment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Your an idiot. They did have pressure to get new things and they had to work much harder. Why do you think obesity has stricken the world. Because everyones lazy.

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