Total population of a village is 64000. Out of this 65% is literate. 60% of the total population is male. Out of the total illiterate population, males and female are in the ratio 3:4 7. What is the ratio of illiterate females to literate ones? 1) 1:


3 Answers

Oddman Profile
Oddman answered
The number of illiterate females in the population is
  64000(1-65%)(4/(3+4)) = 12800
The number of females in the population is
  64000(1-60%) = 25600
The ratio of illiterate to literate females is
  12800:(25600-12800) = 12800:12800 = 1:1

The ratio of illiterate to literate men is 1:3.
Handsome Cuteboy Profile
% of Illiterate = (100-65)=35%
Therefore, 35% of 64000=22400
Total ratio of Illiterate persons=3+47=50
Illiterate females = 47/50 of 22400 = 21056
Total no. Of females = (100-60)%=40%
Therefore, 40% of 64000=25600
Total number of literate females = 25600-21056=4544
Ratio of Illiterate to literate females = 21056:4544
Therefore the ratio is 329:71
suri baharthi Profile
suri baharthi answered

64000(1-60%) = 25600

can any one explain this clearly

how 60% is obtained

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