Let's put it this way -it is ignorant for any race to use a word that shall we say has a negative meaning to it or shall we say in the way a person says it or takes it to mean. In all truth while one generation of black americans might call themselves negro,another will call themselves blacks or african americans. So it depends on how you or anyone says it and how another takes it to be defined.so it is better not for anyone to say a word that has a negative meaning. The real ignorance is for genration/s to have too remove this word from the english language and from great literature, because of how this word is being used. As a black professor teaching a class using I think the huck fin story discussed this with his students of all races and asked if this book should be edited to remove the word.when students realized this would be like re-writing history they were okay with using the word in the telling of the story. So I guess it depends on your intentions when saying this word if you should have the right to say it. As tavis smiley said it's time for this word to be removed from all races using it to hurt others or exclude others while acting as if it means nothing to say it.even when claiming it is their word to use.