Holloween of course. It is the day where candy is gathered, kids are afraid, and the classic toilet paper peoples houses. The feel of holloween is like no other. Long live holloween!!
My favorite holiday is christmas. Jesus is the reason for the season. I enjoy all things christmas. Family dinners, gift giving, and another year celebrating christmas with my spouse, we have spent 34 christmas dinners together married and 5 as girlfriend & boyfriend. So this year if we are blessed, we will spend our 40th christmas together.
My birthday! :P oh, and christmas
Christmas because of all the chocolate. Oh yeah and presents!
Christmas is my favorite holiday. I love when the family gets together and we bake Christmas cookies. Decorating the tree and singing carols. I kind of go overboard decorating the house around Christmas too.
My favorite holiday is thanksgiving with the 4 F's. food, family,fun and friends
Christmas, because I get presents. No I'm just kidding I like I just like tp be around family.
Christmas gets my vote,Family,friends, warm fire and lots of hot toddys. Missing it for sure :-)
It used to be Christmas...but now that holiday appears 2 b 2 commercialized...and hectic. so, now, i suppose it would be my son's birthday....so that i can lavish a few gifts upon him & hug & kiss him...even tho he is now a grown man...i still ♥ it!
My favorite is Christmas because it is the only time of year I get to spend time with my family.
Christmas and birthday
Mothers Day. It reminds me of the best of the best. It is a celebration of the day that I became a Mother. My son is the best, and being his Mother is a privilege and an honor. It always brings good memories.

There are so many wonderful holidays. But personally my favorite would be Christmas. Like Cspook7 said, Jesus is the reason for the season. It is the day we get to celebrate our great creator's birthday. Think about it. The birth of Jesus Christ. Wow. The time we get to spend time with family by the Christmas Tree. Singing beautiful carols and songs. The beauty of Christmas. I love it, and you should too.
The fourth of July and my birthday.
New Year's Day holiday
Christmas! I love spending time with family and giving/receiving gifts! I also LOVE Jesus! I also like Halloween because it's fun to be someone else for a short time and i like putting up the decorations! I know they're like the opposite but they're the best so yeah!