What's Your Favorite Thing About Halloween? Haunted houses, Trick or Treat, Scary movies, Wearing your costume, Costume parties, Candy, Pumpkin carving, Decorating!!. Pumpkin Picking, Haunted hay-rides, Handing Out Candy?


7 Answers

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

EVERYTHING! We have a corn maze close by that during Halloween becomes haunted, I'd love to go if I could find someone to go with me!

Love seeing the kids all dressed up!

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

I get a kick out of the kids and their costumes! Especially the little ones ! Makes me smile and they get whole handfuls of candy from me !

dragonfly forty-six Profile

Everything. It's my favorite holiday. But I really look forward to the Horror movie marathons.

Awesome  Autumn Profile
Awesome Autumn answered

The haunted houses, the halloween movies. I'm not really into horror movies though. Oh and the candyy!

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I love seeing all the little kids dressed up in their costumes. The really young ones are just too cute.

OH! and carving my pumpkins! I always try to do something different every year. I have done a Medusa using cheap rubber snakes. I have done a larger pumpkin eating a smaller one. I have done one throwing up pumpkin seeds. I have to come up with something good.. I am in a new neighborhood and I need to establish myself.

5 People thanked the writer.
dragonfly forty-six
Great ideas, Sincerity!! I'll try it this year.:))
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
Actually the black pipe cleaners have given me an idea. I may make a spider. I would need something bigger than pipe cleaners, like small pvc pipe painted black.....Use a smaller pumpkin for the head and a larger one for the body. I have to make the first one in the new neighborhood a bit creepy.
Roy Roy Profile
Roy Roy answered
Scary movies, candy

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