Should the Government ban smacking a child?


6 Answers

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Yes smacking is akin to hitting, slapping and beating a child. Should be banned.

There is a difference between giving a spanking and smacking a child. People often don't know there is a difference.

hey cameron Profile
hey cameron answered

I don't really think that's the government's business. Abuse should be illegal, but smacking a child isn't necessarily that.

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HelpStop AnimalAbuse
Do you think there should be a age that smacking should no longer be allowed from?
hey cameron
hey cameron commented
I don't know if it's really about age...I mean at a certain point the kid is old enough that they could fight back a smack so it's probably not a good idea anyway. I think parents just have to use their judgment--I think there needs to be a law about it.
PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

No. Sometimes a smack is needed to make a point. For example, if a small child continuously reaches for a hot stove. If you have told the child no several times and he/she is still not listening, I would rather smack that child's hand so that they relate the hot stove with pain and doing so without actually causing damage.

Danae Hitch Profile
Danae Hitch answered

I'm okay with the government saying - we have laws against child abuse.

I'm definitely NOT okay with them telling me how to discipline my child. I was physically and emotionally abused as a child. I know what a beating feels like.

Yes, I spanked my child when I needed to get his attention or when the situation warranted it. It was far different than a beating.

When the government steps in and tells me how to parent or discipline my child, a line has been crossed that transfers the power of the family - which is ME - to my child. All they have to do is say - child abuse - and BAM! your entire world has just changed and you no longer have power over your child.

We already have enough entitled people ruining society today. Do we really want to completely hand over the family to the government? Hell to the no. They are completely out of control as it is.

dragonfly forty-six Profile

For me this question has less to do with the form of discipline than the possibility of the government being involved in a decision that they should have no jurisdiction over. The government has no business being involved in the discipline of my children in my home.

The above question is akin to the right to bear arms, or a woman's right to have an abortion. It has nothing to do with if such things are right or wrong, but that if I CHOOSE I can discipline my children, own a gun and have an abortion. Those are my rights. Keep the government away from my guns, my family and my body.

Btw we have never raised a hand to our children. We chose not to. They are grown and are productive members of society.

On another note, I wish more parents would examine or entertain a corporal punishment free household. There are benefits. But in the end its everyone's right to set the discipline parameters in their own homes.

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