No, I don't have an electric car but I DO eat chocolate covered cashews.
Hey its earth day and national chocolate covered cashew day. So do u drive a electric car? Do u eat chocolate covered cashews?
I don't have an electric car but I would be interested if Toyota made a Hybrid Tacoma truck ! I would sure give that a look as I don't need a work truck any more. Just one for Hunter and I. He has his own truck now but it's getting old. I'll eat chocolate covered cashews but I don't see them often.
I don't have an electric car. I drive a Ford truck. But I do love chocolate covered cashews. Mmmmm
Electric, lol. I drive a 4.6L V8 that gets about 13 mpg. The earth mother doesn't like me. I've never had chocolate covered cashews, but they sound really good!
Electric? Nope....big black Ford truck! Chocolate covered cashews, yes! I love nuts! Chocolate covered or not!
Can't afford an electric car, and can't afford chocolate covered cashews. So I guess the answer is no. LOL
I don't have an electric car and I love chocolate covered cashews! Our Walgreen's carries them. They are so Yummy!
Boy, that took me back, Otis. I used to love choc coated cashews. Somehow I forgot to eat them. Can't remember the last time. I'll make a new year's resolution to have some after Christmas.