in 2015 990 were shot by police yet most were white people. so why isnt their a white lifes matter movement or all lifes matter movement? seems like reverse discrimination?


8 Answers

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I know exactly how you feel. I am not racism and i'd never support such narrow minded philosophy. But i assuming this "life matter" subject is getting out of control day by day.

We already facing an issue of a very "hyper sensitive of offense" generation and this black and white topics are getting among them much stronger everyday which is so annoying and firmly disappointing.

Racism existed, today is much weaker but still can be found. Many immoralities happened toward them. That is undeniable. But even black people and the world getting too sensitive about this matter and somehow they taking advantage.

Today is a day where if you facing a black person you must be scared to speak, look and touch correctly and watch your steps or you'll be considered racism. Considering what happened to Red cross pool safety poster which heavily criticized for being a racism act just because black child were in the picture too and considered doing "not cool" actions during pool course.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

Its not discrimination, Otis. White folks haven't created a public movement like black folks have. In the big picture, it's all the same, all life matters, BLM demonstrators are just speaking for their side. The gist of the problem is black citizens being killed by (usually) white police, who consistantly go unpunished by the so-called "justice system". Look at the joke show-trials of police going on in Baltimore. More trouble is likely there. 

Our society is deteriorating, Otis; the seeds of revolution are planted. It will by necessity be messy and painful. Isn't there a growing call in your own home state of Texas for secession? That call has risen in California, too. The federal government, the President, the nominees, Congress apparently aren't concerned, do nothing and have shown no intent to try. The people need to stand up, raise their voices, vote with united purpose, or nothing gets better. 

I can't speak for anyone else, but I pay a lot of taxes; I can't imagine I'm alone in my disgust with how so few of those dollars are actually used to the benefit of we who pay them. 

Jann Nikka Profile
Jann Nikka answered

Website please. Internet searches, one fact police killed a black 6yr and a 87 yr old. Police killed over a 1,000 people. 

Bikergirl Anonymous Profile

I have always been confused as to why there is so much racial hype ... Perhaps because I am somewhat out of the loop ., and depend mostly on news broadcasts about the goings on in the world .. So much brutality towards citizens by police  Granted .. But what about the brutality towards the police ., why don't THEIR  lives matter? I am not downplaying the bad cops, or the firecrackers in police uniforms who undoubtedly don't belong in the police field ..  I do see and recognize the growing dangers of being a police officer where criminals are not just reacting to the police that have discovered their antics .. But seeking out those in uniform with a vendetta. Basic traffic stops turn into blood baths leaving officer(s) under attack.  Policing seems to be elevating into a military like environment where they must not only do their job effectively but at the same time constantly be on the lookout for snipers out to kill them .. So much attention is focused on the errors made, leaving little attention to the real problem .. Criminals who take entitlement by force, thumb their noses at any level of authority and that think they are above the law and are willing to snuff out the life of anyone who dares try to do anything about it causing such desperation and mistrust in the field.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Otis,

I agree with The Z that it's not reverse discrimination...more a universal tragedy for the whole USA, including BikerGirl's mention of police officers increasingly under attack.

And the common folk black and white, we must stand together.

As we ponder such tragedy, I think we must always keep in mind that WE (the common people) are where the answers come from, not the aristocracy and ruling class, they will always protect their privilege they will not serve us.

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Call me Z
Call me Z commented
Very true. It is "Public service", and we the public need to be holding our govt to that standard.
"...government of the people, by the people and for the people.." -Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.
otis campbell
otis campbell commented
very true z im tired of all the reverse discrimination after hurricane katrina blacks came to the astrodome here in houston and received over athousand dollars on a debit card. i have been thrue three tropical storms and a major hurricane here in 1983 and i received no money norhing .my sisters who both rode out hurricane ike received no fema money no free debit card with money on it. yes im pissed off. im sick of this reverse discrimination crap
Virginia Lou
Virginia Lou commented
otis that is terrible...what folks have gone through...

Z, you i re-read, my comment could seem like a non sequitur, but it's not really...
Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

The last time I was pulled over by a policeman was about 10 years ago.

I was in the middle of 3 lanes on the south side of the street. He whipped up behind me, turned on his bright headlights, and I did the normal thing---I pulled over to the right lane to let whatever a*shole behind me go past.

Of course, I didn't take the time to signal, which gave him probable cause to light me up and pull me over.

I was on my way to work early; it was still dark out; and I assumed I looked like a good target for some unknown reason.

My first reaction however---and the one I've taught my children---was to "make that cop totally at ease as he approaches your car."

So I turned on the dome light, rolled down the driver side window, and put both hands on the steering wheel---one at 10 o'clock and the other at 2 o'clock.

He was somewhat disappointed when he reached me and asked for the standard information, but I figure I increased my potential survival rate about 200% or so.

If I had been incensed at his action for some reason, I could have followed up with his superiors later.

Obviously, I had been tricked into giving him cause to stop me; but I seldom try to correct a man with a gun.

And fortunately, legally speaking, I am squeaky clean with regard to criminal activity (and even traffic violations as well).

Had it been otherwise, I may well have been angry.

But think about it---you certainly have the right to walk down pretty much any dark alley in the USA.

But why do it with $100 bills hanging out of your pocket if you don't want to get robbed?

Once a cop issues you a direct order and you fail to obey, you have just resisted arrest---and that's not a good place to go.

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Both the cops and I have the same ultimate intent when we interact with one another---we both want to get home that night safely.

So I try to do my part.

Don't p*ss the judge off when he's deciding how much time that you should be sentenced to.
Bikergirl Anonymous
You know that, I know that .. But there are some who simply don't "get" that logic. Some have their own agenda for some reason or they are just slow learners.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Yes---and I wonder why more people don't "know" that.

Maybe it's got something to do with "this is the hill I choose to die on."

Basketball Lover Profile

Because when a black person is shot by a white policeman and the cop is not convicted despite clear evidence of injustice and cold blooded murder, it makes it a matter of race.

When a white person is shot by a white cop for no justifiable reason, it's not racism. It's still police brutality, but not racism, especially when the cop is punished for his/her crime.

All lives matter. But black people have not had it easy all throughout history. And racism is still very much there in our society today. It's not as bad as it was years ago, but it's still there. Therefore, it is more important to draw the public's attention towards that isssue. Hence, #BlackLivesMatter.

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Bikergirl Anonymous
.. And of course the media loves to fan those flames
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
Internet search said 90% never resist and comply had their hands up and had no weapon and are shot point-blank.
6yr and 87 yr didn't resist.
It's sad when people think you should be murder when you have an encounter with a police officer. All murders of everyone needs to stop. Sad
Bikergirl Anonymous
No question that the majority of people who come in contact with police abide and comply .. THEY are not the primary problem ., the primary problem is the mistrust that is necessary for survival. It's all too common occur ance for a "perpetrator" to act compliant and when given the opportunity they turn into a lunatic poised to kill in a heartbeat. THAT is the problem .. It's the few ., not the many. Police have to treat every situation as a potential for disaster not just for their own safety but the safety of others. However, and having said that .. I have a hard time understanding the need to pull a gun and point at the head of a resisting person while that person is being subdued by a group of other officers and handcuffed. Like waving a gun around would somehow gain control of an already controlled situation. A panicked and even struggling assailant with 4 officers beating the crap out of him is struggling because he is in panic mode BECAUSE they are beating the crap out of him . He is not necessarily a life threat to a group of officers. ., how does one "just relax" and stop struggling when they are getting the crap best out of them?!

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