Have you ever been brainwashed and are you still being brainwashed?


15 Answers

HappyTo BeHereTo Profile

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Not that I am aware of, but wouldn't not being able to recognize the fact you have been brainwashed be part of the brainwashing?

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

I would say there's none, not something that i know of!

But the fact is the beauty of brainwashing is that you feel how original it is. When an idea comes out of your mind.

Each person make their choices and life's path according to several factors.

1.What culture they born in. 2.What location they born. 3.What they have been taught in childhood. 4.What environments they have been involved. 5.What they have been told.6.What they've been seen, heard and done. Cultures, principles and values.

We make choices ourselves but some of them can be caused by indirect brainwashing.

Can we say someone who believe in god is brained washed or not ?

And it's interesting to know what people of North Korea would think about brainwashing!!

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Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
You ask about brainwash. someone religious might come here and say the same answer as Tiger and Rooster and claim i'm not brainwashed and nothing i know of! but they are religious. to me being religious is form of being brainwashed. but can they see it ? no. but because i don't believe in such imaginary friend up above i dare to say they are brainwashed by their parents, holy books and religious orators and environment. easy and simple.

We can't know if we are brainwashed and the fact is the concept of brainwash is entitled to opinions. let's talk about political, if you support Democrats, they say you've been brainwashed by them and if you support republicans they say you have been brainwashed by them. THIS is exactly what Levi F tried to say.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
I don't understand it or your other answer. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL thank you
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
lol! okay let's pass it on! see you on the next questions of yours! wish you greatest, have fun and take care! :)
Levi F. Profile
Levi F. answered

People will say you're "brainwashed" for having any opinion different from their own.

Obama supporter? Brainwashed.

Israel supporter? Brainwashed.

Pro-gun? Brainwashed.

Support same-sex marriage? Brainwashed.

The whole point of accusing someone of being brainwashed is that it's not falsifiable. It can't be proven right or wrong, which makes it a worthless claim in the first place. Maybe it's simply born out of the fact that some have a hard time imagining how anyone could think differently from them living in the same world they do.

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Levi F.
Levi F. commented
Those are examples of opinions that people have that are often accused of being the result of brainwashing. Some people think all Obama supporters are brainwashed, some people think Israel supporters are brainwashed, some people even think all religious people are brainwashed.

My point was just to show that almost anything can lead someone to accuse you of being brainwashed, but it doesn't mean it's true.
Matt Radiance
Matt Radiance commented
@Levi F: Exactly! this is the real concept of brainwashing. so agree.
Jann Nikka
Jann Nikka commented
I don't understand or your this answer LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL thank you. See you on the next question 😊
Barb Cala Profile
Barb Cala answered

I have washed my hair zillions of times.  Maybe some of that shampoo has leeched into my brain .... LOL!

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

Three definitions of brainwashing from the internet. 

Indoctrination that forces people to abandon their beliefs in favor of another set of beliefs.

a forcible indoctrination to induce someone to give up basic political, social, or religious beliefs and attitudes and to accept contrasting regimented ideas

to make people believe only what you want them to believe by continually telling them that it is true and preventing any other information from reaching them

I've had the opportunity to investigate much in my lifetime---I like to test theories, even if they seem obvious at first glance. So nothing I believe is so controversial as to suggest I have been unknowingly brainwashed.

And for some people I've dealt with, I'm afraid that brainwashing has affected them much like water can affect a sugar cube.

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Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
@John McCann

A few questions for you:

Check my thanks to answer ratio. It exceeds yours. If "few" understand my answers, what word should I use to describe the number of people who understand yours?

What great evil do you ascribe to Catholicism that it so incenses you that anyone else could embrace it after you have rejected it?

I'm sure by now you have taken the University of California, Berkeley to task for the grievous logical fallacy that you found in their answer that agreed with mine regarding philosophy and the limitations of science. Will you their reply? Obviously, one of us has mislead everybody on here---it would be good to see which of us did such a disservice to this community.
John McCann
John McCann commented
Two arguments from authority in one post. Your argument from your own authority (thanks to answer ratio ) is pitiful.
UC Berkeley is NOT on this forum and that is also a logical fallacy of the argument from authority. I don't care what they say on this issue.

Just like you to defend the pedophile church. If there was nothing else to hold against them ( and there is ) this monstrosity would be enough.

You are a disservice to humanity. Goodbye, for now.

P.S. Found any evidence for magic men yet? I thought not.
Tom  Jackson
Tom Jackson commented
Oh, John, I do hope your yet pack still has fuel---so that if you ever realize your tether has broken, there may be hope for your return.
Ancient Hippy Profile
Ancient Hippy answered

I definitely was brainwashed when I was growing up. I was told that you went to college, worked at a job that you didn't particularly like, get married young, have 2.5 children, buy a house and settle in for a boring, dull life.
When I hit 30 years old, I realized that it was just a bunch of bull crap and I started to do things that I liked.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Dear Jan,

Oh yes...I have been brainwashed...spending this whole latter part of life attempting to de-program out of society's  less wholesome morés, to find my way out of that into something more real.

* * *

"The whole thing about consciousness means getting to know you are already it. So, that takes a lot of work, principally because society keeps telling you you're not it."

~ Joseph Campbell

John McCann Profile
John McCann answered


I was born and raised catholic.

I am not being brainwashed now because I have a brain and from an early age I saw through the BS that was my indoctrination program.

Four Palmz Profile
Four Palmz answered

My aluminum foil hat prevents me from being brain washed.  It also makes it easier to communicate with the aliens.  Lol!!

Perry Nuttal Profile
Perry Nuttal answered

Everyone has been brainwashed, it is probably harder to brainwash a deaf and blind person because they have less senses to bombard. Just think of all the songs you know, all the ditty's from the adverts, lots and lots of useless information stored up there often escaping without any prompting.

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