
Why are Black American children viewed as least deserving of an intact family and stable homelife compared to American children of other races,when children of Black mothers are the most disadvantaged?


3 Answers

Sigmund Freud Profile
Sigmund Freud answered

They shouldn't be viewed as less deserving of love and a family, It is because of racism, prejudice and discrimination that makes people view even a child as less than another. People who live in fear find it easier to hate in order to protect themselves from the dangers of society. However, in doing so they are further enlisting this attitude of hatred towards others creating a society of people who now judge before truly understanding an individual. People judge innocent children based on the color of their skin because they assume they will grow up with the negative stereotypes they've heard of and neglect them based on their own false pretenses.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I don't know where you get anyone thinks that black children are viewed that way. Everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE, deserves to be raised in a loving, stable environment. It would be great if all families were like that. Unfortunately that all tooo often isn't the case, and it isn't just black families. If you are on this site long enough you will find many of us are from broken homes. Some had abusive parents. We are people of different races and ages.

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