Is today your day? It is August 19th. It is International Bow Day; National Aviation Day; National Soft Ice Cream Day.


9 Answers

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered

You scream, I scream, We all scream for ice cream !!!!!

Now I’ll go sit under my tree.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I had to check and see if bow day was for archery or for fashion.  It is for fashion and I'll pass on that one. Aviation day is a good one. I've been a passenger a few times. I like watching stunt pilots fly. I'm all in for the soft ice cream.

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Any day that involves ice cream is good today!! :):)

Megan goodgirl Profile
Megan goodgirl answered

ice cream is good.

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

If I could make soft serve ice cream at home. . I'd never leave the house.

I'm in.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Not really a bow person, but do occasionally work them into a braid. Aviation fascinates me. And I would love some soft serve ice cream!

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