Why is it around Halloween people give out candy? what if they could give out money? wouldn't that be nice?


6 Answers

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

If people gave out money instead of candies you just might get real hobos knocking at your door.

Call me Z Profile
Call me Z answered

They can, but children don’t know what to do with money. Candy is another matter.

I think handing out cash may bring the kind of trick or treaters  no one wants.

Toni Pauze Profile
Toni Pauze answered


One person tell money.. Total terror from teenagers.

Halloween is for kids ..,getting candy.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I think it would be just another "black Friday" but in October if that were to happen!

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

On the plus side that concept would help with dental problems, curb obesity and save homeowners the chore of shopping. Also there's always that fear of tampered candy.

On the negative side, kids with bags full of $ would be mugged.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

The candy bit is relatively new. It really didn't go nationwide until the 1940s. Before that people got things that were harvested, like nuts and apples. Candy companies saw it as way to promte the slow autumn sales by pushing the candy idea.

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