What kind of accent do you speak with?


12 Answers

Walt O'Reagun Profile
Walt O'Reagun answered

Very few people think that THEY speak with an accent.  Especially if they live near where they were raised.

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Levi F.
Levi F. commented
Most people probably cannot perceive their own accent, it's true. But all speech is accented in comparison with another's. But often you have to have someone else tell you what your accent is.
Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

' Eh ?

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I live right in the heart of Pennsylvania. Like Darren, we also say " youns ". It's our version of " y'all ".

I may have told this story before, but, I was in a South Carolina airport one time and ordered a coffee. The lady asked if I was from Pennsylvania because of my accent. I had to chuckle to myself because I thought she was the one with an accent.

Where I live there is a lot of Pennsylvania Dutch/German. That accent sort of stretches out beyond the Amish community to us natives that have been here all of our life.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

It depends on where I am and how much I have had to drink. I spent most of the first 8 years of my life in upstate New York. While my day to day speech doesn't have a NY accent anymore, when I go back, I talk like I never left.

I have a slight southern accent in my day to day speech. But if you get me around others with a southern accent, or if I have a few drinks, my southern accent becomes more pronounced.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

To my ear, I have no accent at all.  But when I was in Canada, I was told I had an American "drawl".  So I guess we all have an accent when we leave our own neck of the woods.    :)

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Some say i sound Southern but I'm from Southwestern Pennsylvania but we are known for using words such as Youns  . This one nurse told me one time, you sound like a true Pennsylvanian.  But it's true we are known to use that word quite often when speaking to people.

YOUNS means "You guys, you all" So now you know - YOUNS means "You guys, you all" - don't thank us. YW! What does YOUNS mean? YOUNS is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the YOUNS definition is given.

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I don't think I do but... I remember when Yang was doing the cross country truck driving and he got stuck in Tennessee for a week or week and a half. This was before cell phones so he would only call every few days. By the time he was able to leave he had picked up their southern accent. Even though I loved the sound of his voice, his accent made me feel like I was cheating on my husband with some exotic southern dude! 😅 I told him he couldn't call me again till he had my husband's voice back!

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

Originally from the South Bronx in New York. However my mom was determined i would not have an accent of any kind (why: An accent would tag me and hurt my employment opportunities, so goes the story).  Over the years I learned to listen carefully to folks with various accents and I found I could mimic them quite well. This led to a few incidents where folks thought I was making fun of them. During a conversation I would pick up their accent and wind up talking to them using their accent.

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