Is today your day? It is 2 February National Heavenly Hash Day, National Tater Tot Day and National Groundhog Day.


9 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

It has been my experience that hash and tater tots go well together.

The groundhogs that that "plague" my yard and gardens are not my friends. They are huge and aggresice.

4 People thanked the writer.
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
I used to have several groundhogs living under my garden shed. Mrs. MM would get mad when they would eat her flowers and pond plants. My dogs help keep them away now.
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I never tried heavenly hash but after looking it up, I wouldn't mind trying any version of it! Count me in!

Dances With  Wolves Profile

Yes this is great day according to the Groundhog Spring is on it's way and i like Tater Tots them are good ., Yes Heavenly Hash looks great this is my day . Thanks for Question of the Day :) 😇😇🙏

Groundhog Day 2020: Punxsutawney Phil Predicts Early Spring. ... The groundhog allegedly did not see his shadow, according to members of his “inner circle,” meaning there will be an early spring. According to legend, if he had seen his shadow it would have signified six more weeks of winter.

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

Back in the late 80's some friends and I traveled out to Gobbler's Knob in Punxsutawney , just for kicks , to see Phil make his prediction.  It was fun , but I don't put my trust in a destructive rodent with a 39 percent accuracy rate of predicting the weather. 

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

I'm in for the Tater tots!!!!! Had to look up heavenly hash sounds really yummy.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

Nice day!  Heavenly hash is, well, heavenly!  😇    And I've always loved Punxsutawney Phil (I hope he's right this time).  An occasional tater tot isn't bad either.  I'm all in!

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