Is today your day? It is February 9 National Pizza Day, National Toothache Day and National Bagel Day.


10 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I'm in. I am a bagel lover from way back.

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

I'm in for the pizza and bagels .... The toothache not so much.  :)

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I'll pass on the toothache.

I'm in for the rest though. I guess today I'll have to eat some pizza . Or a bagel. Or a pizza bagel. Or all three.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Pizza and bagels, I'm in. After all I was born a New Yorker.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I'm in for this day cause it's Pizza day and Bagel day , this sounds like a great day and got to remember Toothache day and remember the dentist that spend countless hours giving treatment to patients and it seems these doctors need remembered in the medical field they help to save lot peoples teeth well I'm in it for this day it sounds good.

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