Is today your day? It is March 26, 2020 Epilepsy Awareness Day, Purple Day, National Nougat Day, and National Spinach Day.


4 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I'm in. This past February, after three years, my son was finally declared totally free of his "Pete-mal"  juvenile epilepsy.

John Doe Profile
John Doe , Lard Ass, answered

Love that spinach!

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I want honor those who live with Epilepsy and send many Blessings their way , I like the color Purple it has many meanings to me and i like Spinach , this elderly Woman my late Mom had as a Friend she never had much , she come clean our house and rid up , do dishes and my Mom gave her meal and we would all eat Spinach and Eggs , I could remember Lucy eating apple cider vinegar over her hard boiled eggs and spinach . So this day reminds me of her , she was sweet Woman who never let anything get her down . Well , this is great day , Thank you for Question of the Day :)🙏👼

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