Is today your day? It is May 24th 2020 National Yucatan Shrimp Day, National Aviation Maintenance Technician Day, Brother’s Day, National Scavenger Hunt Day, National Escargot Day, and National Wyoming Day.


4 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

Nope. I have eaten and tasted many things in my travels. I have a very short list of things I would never taste or eat again. Escargot is third on the list.

Dances With  Wolves Profile

This sounds like a great day for remember  Aviation Maintenance Technician Day  .. This Day doesn't sound bad .. Thank you for Question of the Day :) 😇👼🙏👍

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Yucatan shrimp looks good! The only time I had escargot, it was chopped in a cream sauce served over a puff pastry. It was delicious!

I am glad to recognize the aviation maintenance technicians. They keep the planes safe. Anyone who flies or even leaves near an airport should thank them,

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