Is today your day? It is July 24th 2020 National Thermal Engineer Day, National Tequila Day, National Drive-Thru Day, National Cousins Day, and National Amelia Earhart Day.


2 Answers

Dances With  Wolves Profile

This is my day I support Amelia Earhart, National Cousins Day, Drive-in. Haven't been to one in many years ..Where I live in Pennsylvania there is Carroll Township / Fisher Heights out by that way we once had a Hilltop Drive-in but it shut down and later many people used the area for flea markets ..Than finally they tore it down and now they have for many years ago built an Assistant Living Home called Residents of Hilltop..A lot of our School Districts Teachers retired to there...It's quite expensive to live there so most School Teachers that have money live there... Thank you for Question of the Day :) 😇👼🙏👍

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