
Why Doesn't Violence Solve Our Problems?


4 Answers

Daniel Potter Profile
Daniel Potter answered
A lot of people say that violence solves anything, but history say other wiseIn a lot of history Violence has been the number one solution for most problems. It has solved a lot of cases of war and in times of peace, I'm sure JFK was considered a 'problem' by someone before a bullet passed through his head.In medicine a lot of treatments are are very violent in nature, surgery, chemotherapy, radiation. They are violent in nature to both the body and the disease, yet they have SOLVED the problem in at least once.What gets me, is society thinks that anyone condones violence is immediately uncreative, unintelligent and basically a thug, but a police officer doesn't arrest a serial killer through words.I've met plenty people who hate people in the military, but I haven't met a guy who's in the military who hates peaceful people.Tell me a solution to a psychotic serial killer who's a danger to all on the loose that doesn't involve violence or the threat of violence and I'll gladlyShould we use violence to solve our problems? No and in-fact if no one did then no would have to, but if someone came into your house at night with a butcher's knife I'd think you'd be surprised how quick your look on the subject would change.I really just want some one to come but me out of my misery, tell me the other solution to a life or death situation and stockholm syndrome doesn't count, I mean imminent death!Think about some one is on top of you and bearing down a knife... What do you do?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Because violence is a meaning of like hitting talking bad about each other and much more! It doesn't solve anything!
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Violence never has been nor ever will be an answer to any problem but in fact compounds most problems even more

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