
How Did Racism Start?


18 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Personally I think the white people started it because they took the black people into the slave trade they took children from there mothers and men from there wives and children
hjjknhf fjyyt Profile
hjjknhf fjyyt answered
The virulent strain of anti-Muslim racism prevalent in the world today is often attributed to the fact that many people feel threatened in this era of war and economic uncertainty. The crass, blatant racism of Bush, Howard and many of their cronies is a second factor used to explain the rising level of racism today.Racism, however, doesn't originate from the ideas or fears in the heads of ordinary people. And while the stereotyping and scapegoating of Muslims by our leaders helps to explain why anti-Muslim racism is currently so vicious, it still doesn't explain why these leaders rely so heavily on racism. And it doesn't give us much of an indication of how racism can be ended.Racism is a particular form of oppression that discriminates against people on the basis of some inherited characteristic (such as skin colour or ethnicity). It is a relatively modern phenomenon, one which only appeared with the rise of capitalism. Of course, oppression and exploitation were features of all class societies before capitalism, but such oppression was based on people's position in society rather than their race. So in ancient Greece and Rome, for example, there were white slaves and black rulers.Racism was an essential ideological tool in the early development of capitalism, and it remains central to maintaining this system of competition and exploitation today.The abolition of feudalism in Europe in the eighteenth century required not just a physical struggle against the old social order, but also the development of new ideas. "Liberty, equality and fraternity" was the inspiring slogan of the French Revolution of 1789.In sharp contrast to these ideas though, was the brutal reality of the new form of production being established around the world. The vast profits demanded by the new capitalist ruling class required heightened levels of exploitation and oppression. The slave trade, already a feature of class society, escalated to never-before-seen proportions - with an estimated twelve million Africans forced into slavery between the late sixteenth and early nineteenth centuries. The ideology of racism was used to justify this massive expansion in human misery.Since that time, racism has been an integral feature of capitalism - in fact the system simply couldn't survive without it. Racism fed the early colonial aspirations of European states, providing the justification for their expansionist colonisation of "uncivilised" countries. Racism helped to fuel the development of modern nation states, establish nationalism, and justify imperialist domination, oppression and even genocide. Karl Pearson, a professor at London University in 1901 argued:"History shows ... One way only in which a high state of civilisation has been produced, namely, the struggle of race with race and the survival of the physically and mentally fitter race."Such ideas helped to create what we now call the "third world" by providing a justification for the military and economic intervention of rich countries into poorer ones. And while the cruder forms of pseudo-scientific racism became a no-no for most of the ruling class after the ravages of fascism became widely known and reviled last century, racism is still used to bolster capitalism and imperialism.Today, the cheerleaders for racism, such as Bush, provide us with a supposedly more "sophisticated" set of ideas; about the "clash of Muslim and Western civilisations" and the need to eradicate the "terrorism" that is supposedly the exclusive province of the Islamic world. It's easy to see the link between these ideas and the nasty old brain-measuring racism of the past. Racism is used today to justify the US's imperialist war in Iraq as well as the imperialist ambitions of its watchdog states and allies such as Israel and Australia.Understanding that racism is inextricably linked with capitalism gives us a framework for seeing how it is systematically used around the world in all kinds of different ways. This understanding also reveals how racism can be stopped - permanently.Militant resistance to racism has existed since its beginnings. And, at the same time as it created racism, capitalism created the working class - the only force that can abolish racism. Of course, to get rid of racism once and for all will require that the dominant ideas in our society - which include the racist ideas of the ruling class - are challenged by workers on a mass scale.This is no abstraction; currently millions of workers who've borne the brunt of racism, oppression and imperialist domination are fighting back. In the revolutionary upheavals in Latin America, in the 74,000 protests that took place in China in 2005, and in the courageous and unflinching Iraqi resistance to US occupation, we are watching people struggle now against the oppression that capitalism dishes out. These battles, in laying down a challenge to our racist rulers, can help to strengthen the fight against racism and capitalism.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You racism is wrong but why is it that most people think that its only whites that are racist. Come on now lets be real. Not only whites are racist and I think its wrong to think so. It puts a bad name on whites. And I'm not even white and I'm saying this. PEACE
hjjknhf fjyyt Profile
hjjknhf fjyyt answered
I think Jeffery Brennan started racism..
zena Profile
zena answered
There are rascist people from each nationality. I think the reason that it is always put thart whites are rascist against blacks is because of the history between the two cultures.  Black people have a tendency to be on guard around white people, because they assume that they have underlying qualities of rascism and white people tend to be guarded around black people because they assume that blacks have an underlying tendencies to be aggressive with them. Like I said this is all beacuse of the history between the two races. There is rascism in each nationality toward another nationality because of a lack to understand eachother. I am african american & native american. I also have white great-grandparents. Personally for me I don't care what color you are, I don't base my decision of friendship upon any race or creed.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If we think of the start of Scientific Racism as The Bing Bang of Racism, we are not in the position to easily see the beginnings, but we can deduce some ideas of its origins from its effects. Racism to me is very acrimonious suggesting some big confrontation between whites and blacks. For one group to hate another group they should have been in each others presence, first. When and where did this happen? Racism sounds very overwrought, like comparing blacks to apes, suggesting that blacks could mate with apes or that black are less intelligent the whites etc. Why did people ever wrote these ideas down, what was their purpose? Why did we ever need Scientific Racism? I was already looking for Blacks in Europe and found them to be the highest nobility and kings, named blue blood. Blue blood was derived from the blue men as how black Europeans were named during the Middle Ages (500-1500). Those blacks were descendants of the blacks described by F. Sodden ‘Blacks in Antiquity’ (1971) during 800BC to 300 AD. Julius Caesar brought Africans to Europe in 50 BC, who remained and founded their own geographical isolated communities. But the first blacks came already 40.000 years ago to Europe, The Grimaldi Human, and I believe they have existed till far into the nineteen century. The oldest noble families go back to 1100-1200. During this period Saint Maurice was for the first time depicted as a Moor, a Classical African (Kaplan 1996). From 1200-1300, in South Germany and Bohemia, a Black king started to dominate the Adoration scenes, offering gold to Jesus. But really showing that a black king could be a good Christian too, even though he might resemble a Muslim or heathen. By 1500 the black king in Nativity scenes was adopted in the whole of Europe coinciding with the start of the renaissance. So the descendants of blue men became a European noble and royal elite, named blue blood. The many Moors in European art and heraldry are, if you take their development to account, nothing but symbols of blue blood. If they look like ‘servants’ then is the blue blood which ‘serves’ a noble person. The Saint Moritz-burg Treasure (1602) has a golden Moors head, which is a cup to be used at high noble marriages. Next to Moors we find many descriptions of nobles and kings like: Very dark, The Black Boy, black as chimney, chimney sweeper, black, not the white hands, basané. But most of the time we find only white portraits. But there are also black portraits which show more or less dark and black skin. So the missing blacks we are looking for were members of the European nobility, royals and intellectuals: Painters, writers, philosophers like Voltaire and Rousseau. Only in 1770 nations were divided on the base of colour. Racism is then an overwrought liberation ideology to free Europe from black oppression symbolised by a Moor. Racism turned itself against this symbol, the Classical African. These blacks I have defined as ‘a fixed mulatto race of some looking more African, Asian or white, but sharing a black identity; blue blood.’ The confrontation we are looking for is the French Revolution (1789-1795) when the French nobles were murdered, the king beheaded and the nobility abolished. They were killed because of their despotic and cruel oppression of the Europeans who were white and black. My theory is named Blue blood is black blood (1500-1789) and thus explains why we have racism, why we have so many Moors in European art, and were blue blood is derived from. The black European elite made Europe to what it is, but their rule became a obstacle to the learned and prosperous citizens, white and black. The reason we don’t know about these fact is because of state racism today and the showing of fake portraits in museums. Museums were founded to revise history and turn black kings and nobles white. White supremacy is thus based on revisionist, whitened portraits of black Europeans. And this is the beginning of racism. As I have deconstructed racism, we are free to end the practice of racism, because it all happened so long ago.
mike carlsen Profile
mike carlsen answered
It started in the 18th and 19th centuries by a variety of pseudo scientists trying to show that caucasians were superior to other races. Studies in the modern area are beginning to refute even the notion of race. Genetic diversity between the so called races is so minuscule as to be insignificant according to many geneticists.
Keish ... Profile
Keish ... answered
White people. For the twenty years I have been alive, I have come to this conclusion. Why? Because it started with the pompous bastard christopher columbus (white people) trying to wipe out Indians in the 14th century. Then it was WHITE people who kidnapped black people from Africa, brought them here and enslaved them. That was in the 18th century and continued throughout the 19th century. Then it was white people once again trying to clear out Jews during the holocaust in the 19th century. Dumb-asses! Your own race!!! I guess you guys are going for Mexicans next??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think between the 18th and 19th century a gang of white fellows started racism by teasing blacks and bullying them
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mr.T beat Chuck Norris at a game of tic tac toe, so Chuck invented racism.
What is this not common knowlege?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some cockey person said they're skin is diffrent from mine so I'm better and that person began to be treated like horses s***
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Some of it is from insanity and some just plain ignorance. The insane are the worse because you cannot reason with them like you can the ignorant.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
People began to ponder the idea that there were "White" or "Black". The "White people treated the "black people" like dirt!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have no idea, I just think it's really wrong to think ppl get treated like that you know

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