Modern Living Has Made India Weak,unhealthy And Disease Prone? How/why


34 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
• Modern living has made the people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone. Today’s life is full of stress, tension, pressures and worries. These begin right from the stage a child is admitted to school. The atmosphere of competition, hurried life, uncertainty of future prospects, doubts about success, possibilities of failure, etc, cause stress on human mind. I submit that with one’s growth these maladies also grow.

I strongly feel that what we eat and how we live are major factors for making us weak and diseases prone. Adulteration, impurities of food articles, irregularity in taking food, wrong habits and eating fly exposed foods prepared in markets really make us weak and disease prone. I strongly believe that fast life with full of air, water and sound pollution is a quick road to disease. Smoke, sound and contaminated water tend to make us catch the diseases. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals.

The next point is that the living style also plays havoc to our health. I disagree that we become safe from mosquitoes etc. By using coils, repellents, aerosols etc. Their ingredients are certainly poisons. Exposure to them causes dizziness, nervous disorders, skin reaction and lung disease. I should like to draw the attention that our habits to sleep inside the home with coolers or fans or ac at full blow are virtual traps to make us prone to catching diseases. We breathe in stale air and make ourselves susceptible to various diseases.

We always seek a shortcut for everything. This love of ease is itself is a symptom of our getting diseases prone. Medicines are fraught with side effects. I, therefore strongly support that our present lifestyle tend to make us easy victims to these diseases.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Mordern living has made the people of india weak unhealthy and disease prone .so wht can we do abt it?should we all go to the living without mordern society? It isn't going workout.The earth is massively overpopulated and the society now mordern world people use ACs which brings artificial air &which is not good for our health as well as the environment .people eat frozen food or reheat food from fridge which is not nutritive as well as gooood for health . Now children are more likely to become couch potatoes watching tv and eating junk food which causes obese and cholestrol . Watching too much tv brings numbness to brain.....

       Everything natural has faded and replaced by artificiality....
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It's all bcoz of the busy life style. Nowadays people prefer junk foods to save time, which is the main cause of disease prone India.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes...Modern living has made people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone...Modern living means adopting the western culture, smoking, drinking, eating pizzas and burgers, etc.Also working at night times in a BPO or a Call Centre is now a days modern living.....But this makes you obese and also mentally sick as scientifically it is proved that brain automatically relaxes...So the people working in the companies become mentally ill and sick...Now don't we see teens and adults smoking in shops, in parties, on roads....It is because of maybe stress or even peer pressure...But smoking reduces 13.9% of the life.....Isn't this unhealthy?Smoking also causes many types of cancers such as lung cancer and stomach cancer....Don't we see obese people around us?Actually the number of obese people has increased....It is because most of them eat junk food regularly and some of them twice or thrice a week...

People have all got influenced by the western styles and now are getting lazier ....people doing night duties don't get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders .....also the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives nowadays a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill...You want to go bicycling...well go to the gym and thats the way it goes ...exercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for getting in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps you active the whole day, it is affecting ,all the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living.Of course the modern living is directly affecting the people.Now, due to easy availability of many consumer items in the market attracts each and every consumer and they try to procure the item either by spending their saving or taking loan from the banks etc. Both ways the money circulation in the market increases resulting in rise in inflation and related hardships.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How does the rising status of Indian women come into the answer of whether or not modern living has made Indians weak, or unhealthy?!!??
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think so , cause now the fast pace of life is inc the stress factor in children and adults. And b cause of this children are going on using drugs and other stress reducers which are harmfull for their health.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I do agree with your point that AC helps us in summer but it reduces CFL which causes holes in the ozone layer which allow the UV rays of the sun to enter the earth and cause skin cancer...this doesnt seem to be the right solution for people dying by the extreme heat "Loo"
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I  don't think modern life has influence our life. This is us or people only who our recklessly using the modern life style . From a years we  our living with modern life style this not like that that recently we are using life style and recently our whole lifestyle influence by it  so why the demerits list of modern lifestyle is increasing..... Becauz of the peole or by us we our misusing it &as we know people are good resource of making things useful & misusing so why we are only blaming to moder lifestyle this is not correct to forget the merits over demerits of modern lifestyle... &just thin k once our we also not misusing more for this? Than I'm sure you won't blame modern life style.

Joana nayal
Stewart Pinkerton Profile
Absolute rubbish - India has always been weak, unhealthy and disease-prone.
thanked the writer.
Jack Mahon
Jack Mahon commented
The west too is weak, unhealthy and disease prone, India holds no monopoly on these conditions.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No I don't agree wid this....this is absolutely wrong coz I thnk that personal health nd hygiene are more important than the development of the country coz if the human beings will onlt nt b healthy than no development will take place in a particular country...
Sasssy Cj Profile
Sasssy Cj answered
India is a an amazing country, any ** head who doesnt think so should keep his comments to himself. India is consistently progressing. It will one day be a superpower!. As for the answer I always say:     1. Modern living presumes clean water, good food, medicine, health care. Do we need primitive life on raw food, untreated water, no medicine to make people of India more healthy and stronger?  2. Modern living has made travel easier, communication faster, trade and commerce easier. Do we need ancient mode of travel on horseback and by boat etc to make Indians stronger and healthier?  3. Modern living has made air conditioning possible in summer. Do we need the extreme heat "loo" to kill many people as earlier to make Indians stronger and healthier (i.e., after death)?  Ps. Don't forget the rising status of indian women!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
To be honest, I must say that there is no point in supporting this subject. As indians our experiences over the last 50 years have shown us the unhealthy effects caused by the invasion of modern way of life in our culture. Development is essential, but it must not destroy the ecolegical inbalance.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Modern living has made the people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone. Today’s life is full of stress, tension, pressures and worries. These begin right from the stage a child is admitted to school. The atmosphere of competition, hurried life, uncertainty of future prospects, doubts about success, possibilities of failure, etc, cause stress on human mind. I submit that with one’s growth these maladies also grow.

What we eat and how we live are major factors for making us weak and diseases prone. Adulteration, impurities of food articles, irregularity in taking food, wrong habits and eating fly exposed foods prepared in markets really make us weak and disease prone. I strongly believe that fast life with full of air, water and sound pollution is a quick road to disease. Smoke, sound and contaminated water tend to make us catch the diseases. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals. 

The next point is that the living style also plays havoc to our health. I disagree that we become safe from mosquitoes etc. By using coils, repellents, aerosols etc. Their ingredients are certainly poisons. Exposure to them causes dizziness, nervous disorders, skin reaction and lung disease. I should like to draw the attention that our habits to sleep inside the home with coolers or fans or ac at full blow are virtual traps to make us prone to catching diseases. We breathe in stale air and make ourselves susceptible to various diseases.

We always seek a shortcut for everything. This love of ease is itself is a symptom of our getting diseases prone. Medicines are fraught with side effects. I, therefore strongly support that our present lifestyle tend to make us easy victims to these diseases. 

May God save us.:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Modern living has made the people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone. Today’s life is full of stress, tension, pressures and worries. These begin right from the stage a child is admitted to school. The atmosphere of competition, hurried life, uncertainty of future prospects, doubts about success, possibilities of failure, etc, cause stress on human mind. I submit that with one’s growth these maladies also grow.

What we eat and how we live are major factors for making us weak and diseases prone. Adulteration, impurities of food articles, irregularity in taking food, wrong habits and eating fly exposed foods prepared in markets really make us weak and disease prone. I strongly believe that fast life with full of air, water and sound pollution is a quick road to disease. Smoke, sound and contaminated water tend to make us catch the diseases. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals. 

The next point is that the living style also plays havoc to our health. I disagree that we become safe from mosquitoes etc. By using coils, repellents, aerosols etc. Their ingredients are certainly poisons. Exposure to them causes dizziness, nervous disorders, skin reaction and lung disease. I should like to draw the attention that our habits to sleep inside the home with coolers or fans or ac at full blow are virtual traps to make us prone to catching diseases. We breathe in stale air and make ourselves susceptible to various diseases.

We always seek a shortcut for everything. This love of ease is itself is a symptom of our getting diseases prone. Medicines are fraught with side effects. I, therefore strongly support that our present lifestyle tend to make us easy victims to these diseases. 

May God save us.:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Modern living has made the people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone. Today’s life is full of stress, tension, pressures and worries. These begin right from the stage a child is admitted to school. The atmosphere of competition, hurried life, uncertainty of future prospects, doubts about success, possibilities of failure, etc, cause stress on human mind. I submit that with one’s growth these maladies also grow.

What we eat and how we live are major factors for making us weak and diseases prone. Adulteration, impurities of food articles, irregularity in taking food, wrong habits and eating fly exposed foods prepared in markets really make us weak and disease prone. I strongly believe that fast life with full of air, water and sound pollution is a quick road to disease. Smoke, sound and contaminated water tend to make us catch the diseases. May I ask: Do we have enough time to go for a walk in nature to breathe in clean and fresh air? No, certainly not. The results can be seen in hospitals. 

The next point is that the living style also plays havoc to our health. I disagree that we become safe from mosquitoes etc. By using coils, repellents, aerosols etc. Their ingredients are certainly poisons. Exposure to them causes dizziness, nervous disorders, skin reaction and lung disease. I should like to draw the attention that our habits to sleep inside the home with coolers or fans or ac at full blow are virtual traps to make us prone to catching diseases. We breathe in stale air and make ourselves susceptible to various diseases.

We always seek a shortcut for everything. This love of ease is itself is a symptom of our getting diseases prone. Medicines are fraught with side effects. I, therefore strongly support that our present lifestyle tend to make us easy victims to these diseases. 

May God save us.:

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered

Yes,it's definitely true that we are going modern carrying a lot of stress and tensions in our mind.

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The unhygenic and unhealthy conditions make the people of india weak and disease prone.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yah, ofcouse MODERN LIVING HAS MADE PEOPLE OF india unhealthy I am100% sure about it
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
1.better nutrition, less famine., sanitation, garbage disposal leads to a much simpler and comfortable life.
3.housing : Warm and dry.

2day we are more aware of the ailments around us and also about what needs to be done to prevent these diseases. People are more aware of their bodies and the different things that could go wrong with it. Besides, fitness is the new mantra among the younger generation today, ensuring that they are on the road to a healthy future.
The life of people is much more simpler because of advanced technology and life's a lot easier because of internet, telephones , advanced cars etc.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
We resort to shortcuts and do not think of our life.for example,merchants add water to mlk which leads disease and adulteration.modern living such as video games,televisions,computers etc.
Sasssy Cj Profile
Sasssy Cj answered
I fali to understand why most users associate modern living with " western life style" . Moder living is not about short clothes , or burgers and pizzas, ifact its much more, abt medicine, technology, science, rationalism, skeptism and much more..
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Excuse me mr.madmacstew but who r you to say that india has always been weak unhealthy and disease full..??
thanked the writer.
Stewart Pinkerton
Who am I? I am an educated man who has visited India and who is familiar with its history. The only place I know of which is less healthy and more disease-ridden than India, is West Africa.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes...Modern living has made people of India weak, unhealthy and disease prone...Modern living means adopting the western culture, smoking, drinking, eating pizzas and burgers, etc. Also working at night times in a BPO or a Call Centre is now a days modern living...But this makes you obese and also mentally sick as scientifically it is proved that brain automatically relaxes...So the people working in the companies become mentally ill and sick...Now don't we see teens and adults smoking in shops, in parties, on roads.... It is because of maybe stress or even peer pressure...But smoking reduces 13.9% of the life...Isn't this unhealthy? Smoking also causes many types of cancers such as lung cancer and stomach cancer.... Don't we see obese people around us? Actually the number of obese people has increased.... It is because most of them eat junk food regularly and some of them twice or thrice a week...  People have all got influenced by the western styles and now are getting lazier.... People doing night duties don't get proper sleep and hence leading to sleep disorders...Also the busy life of people has made them jump to a easier way of living ...i.e. Eating the junk or packed food which is full of preservatives nowadays a walk in the garden has come to a run on the treadmill...You want to go bicycling...well go to the gym and that's the way it goes ...exercise is not only for burning fats and carbohydrates but for getting in touch with the fresh morning air which keeps you active the whole day, it is affecting, all the people are trying to turn their simple life into sophisticated living. Of course the modern living is directly affecting the people. Now, due to easy availability of many consumer items in the market attracts each and every consumer and they try to procure the item either by spending their saving or taking loan from the banks etc. Both ways the money circulation in the market increases resulting in rise in inflation and related hardships.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Oh come on...modern life definitly hs made indian people a bit weak...with all this tight schedules & heavy workload..people don't get time to use the available health care facilities...people don't get time to eat good diet foods ..they keep on chewing up pizzas n burgers just 2 fill their tummy n end up in diseases..n over wieght..n all..people smoke a lot ..maybe 2 reduce stress..but still its this there is a long list if we sit down n think of it...

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