Was 9/11 A Cause Of The Current Global Recession?


5 Answers

Glen Thornbury Profile
Glen Thornbury answered
Heather, you are right in some ways and off in others.
Since CLOSE to the beginning of time the Napoleon's, Hitler's, and Cesar's, the names go on and on Power not mainly money is what they crave, and a lot of then Twist Gods words and brainwash people into following their battle cry in the name of GOD!
Is this not like Jones done in South America? How about your KKK they quote they're Twisted version of Gods words to get followers! The examples are endless.
In the military in the 60's I fought with Moslems and Jews side by side too, and there have been times my life was in their hands too. They were and still are my closest of friends for I learned back then I could trust them! “OR WAR makes strange bed fellows!”
I'm very religious and in the Bible Abraham's God of one was the start of all three of those religions! Was he not? It's in the front of the Bible! READ IT!
Plus we share many of the same holidays too, just call them different names is all!
Trust me I know when bullets are flying by you head you learn a lot about a person FAST!
I learned in the Army that it is easy to make enemies! YOU HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE TO MAKE FRIENDS!
Would everybody please be my friend!

911 were religious POWER seeking Radicals and in no way stand for the Moslems I fought beside! They were fine men!
thanked the writer.
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Awesome answer!!! [applause]
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
I fail to see what your original posting has to do with the question at hand.

Also, I am assuming that

A) You're an American, who was a member of the United States military, and

B) You are referring to the war in Vietnam given that Israel only participated in one war in the 1960s , namely the "Six Day War" in which Jews and Muslims decidedly did NOT fight along side each other unless you count killing one another.
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
As such, I don't really see where you are going. Having multi ethnic and religious troops fighting under a single nation such as the United States of America really has nothing to do with the religious/political issues one is faced with when considering the reasoning(s) behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. In any care, just to reiterate, I understand your point but fail to see the correlation to the original question posed regarding 9/11 and the world wide economic town-turn.
natalie johnson Profile
natalie johnson answered
Great question. I believe it to be linked. We have to learn how to connect the dots if we are going to prosper as a nation.
I find that the current war and military spending to be a huge cause of our deficit, and if we have financial problems the rest of the world will follow.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Thank You. I agree that there is a link.
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
I am going to have to disagree with you on the first half of your comment regarding the US defense budget/spending. See my answer as to why.
Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
No, sorry. I have a firm belief. If we had just gone in and bombed the heck out of every metro area, government area, etc. Then we wouldn't be incurring debt against taxpayers, we wouldn't be burying so many of our own. And the rest of the world would say: Sh*t, we better not start something we can't finish. Sometimes, you just got to be the real hard a**, in a pi**in contest.
thanked the writer.
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Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
In what country? I'm waiting on baited breath to hear this answer.
natalie johnson
natalie johnson commented
Hahahahaha. Start something we can't finish seems to be the theme for American foreign activity. Dropping bombs? So violence and intolerance is how we should act?
natalie johnson
natalie johnson commented
I really don't think that violence and intolerance are good solutions to the problem.
Also as far as implementing a policy of not starting something we can't finish is America's theme song.
Brock Samson Profile
Brock Samson answered
No, it's not and I'll tell you why.

The global economic leader in the world is the United States. What does this mean? We stimulate the global economic system more than any other country. With the largest national economy on Earth, the highest G.D.P. In the world, and the planet's highest G.D.P per capita (the average amount of money each person in the nation each year), the United States weighs in with 33% of the ENTIRE WORLDS ECONOMY. That means the United States of America makes 33% of the total amount of money generated world wide, by every country on the planet. It only makes sense, then, that when the United States comes into an economic slowdown (or worse) the rest of the world will follow.

Now then, that's the "how", but what about the "why"? The short answer is external debt (read: Not the national debt or funding for any government operations such as the military, CIA, NASA, or anything else), a large retiring population taxing the Social Security fund, corporate debt (banks, auto makers, etc), mortgage debt, falling housing prices, and private credit debt. All of these factors add up to put strain on the American economic juggernaut and most of them were in the works so to speak well before 9/11. It was sort of like AIDS or a cancer... It was there just under the surface but the ramifications didn't show until recently.

"But what about all the money spent on the military and the war on terror?"

So what? The total United States Department of Defense budget for fiscal year 2000 was 311.7 billion dollars. In 2001, that went DOWN to 307.8. Of course, since war was waged on two different fronts, that amount rose to 535 billion in 2005 and is now at an estimated 494 billion for 2008/2009. Thats only a ~187 billion dollar difference in in almost a decade and it doesnt even take inflation into account.

Now let us look at that leading factor to the US economy's recent ills. "External debt". External debt is what we owe OTHER countries. As I said it has nothing to do with INTERNAL debt, so the national debt and government spending does not get added into this figure. As of 2008 we have a n external debt of over 13.6 TRILLION DOLLARS. Thats right, we owe other countries over 13 and a half trillion dollars. How does the 187 billion dollar increase in defense spending factor into that? Its a measly 1.375%, thats what. Add in the cost of the other factors I mentioned such as the housing prices, Social Security, corporate bankruptcy, etc and the US defense budget difference falls WAY below 1%.

Now these are just hard numbers. They do not take into account other socio-political factors, however, what are you going to factor in? Loss of tourist dollars in Iraq? Paltry (in the grand scheme of things) oil and gasoline cost increases (which really have nothing to do with 9/11)? No, there isn't a single thing which can compare to the mammoth issues we are dealing with in terms of national and internal debt.

So, what does 9/11 have to do with the current global recession? NOTHING.
thanked the writer.
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Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
My pleasure.
natalie johnson
natalie johnson commented
Dang. Good points - all of them. Like I said before, I think there are connections and we need to learn how to connect the dots. That overload of spending on the wars can be used for things that can stimulate the economy so taking money from one area doesn't mean that the money cannot be used to make more money in other areas. The 1% can be turned into a 5% or more.
Brock Samson
Brock Samson commented
While that argument could be made, it really doesn't address the topic at hand... Namely "is 9/11 a factor in the current global recession". In your rebuttal, you state that the monies spent on the increase in the national defense budget could be used to help stimulate the US economy. That would be a solution (if it worked, which is debatable). It has nothing to do with the cause of the current global recession. Again, this has nothing to do with the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

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