While it is possible that Obama may become the President of the United States, it is unlikely that he will be assassinated. While there may be threats the possibility of his assassination is much less likely than McCain finally dieing at the ripe old age of 120. With and considering the money McCain's wife Cindy has, they could technically cryogenically freeze McCain Alive so he would be in a suspended animation for quite some time! So Obama would have to set up a Cryogenic freezer with all this excess campaign money so as to perhaps prolong the actual payment of this bet past all of our lifetimes.
Do You Think Obama Will Be Assassinated Or McCain Will Die Of Old Age, First? [HYPOTHETICALLY SPEAKING]
There is very least chance of Obama being assassinated. As can be seen, Obama has received great popularity among the people of US despite him being a black. And about McCain, I believe that his call would be a long time before than Obama because of his old age. But of course, everyone's death is unpredictable. So age and popularity doesn't matter at all. But hypothetically speaking, I believe Obama can serve longer than McCain can...in accordance with the rule of nature. And Obama being a smoker doesn't quite change my opinion as there are thousands of people who are living up to 75-80 despite being chain-smokers. Anyways, my best wishes are with them...Hope they have a long healthy life! :)
The actuary professionals think McCain could live two terms. I am not an expert like they are, but with several bouts of a very deadly cancer, and the fact that his grandfather lived to be 61, and his father 70, I am not very optimistic that he would live to age 80. In fact, I would be very surprised if he survived one full term.
A dermatologist commenting on his cancers said that McCain has not had 4 random occurrences of malignant melanoma, he has one recurring episode of malignant melanoma.
On the other hand, Obama has been a smoker for 25+ years (probably). He has supposedly quit but the damage may be done already. He could come down with lung cancer or fatal heart disease tomorrow.
Many are not voting for McCain because of these factors.
A dermatologist commenting on his cancers said that McCain has not had 4 random occurrences of malignant melanoma, he has one recurring episode of malignant melanoma.
On the other hand, Obama has been a smoker for 25+ years (probably). He has supposedly quit but the damage may be done already. He could come down with lung cancer or fatal heart disease tomorrow.
Many are not voting for McCain because of these factors.
I suppose anyone can ask anything they like but I find this question out of line and unacceptable. I can't imagine what you are thinking. Isn't it bad enough we have to listen to all the hate filled lies and hate mongering in our emails and on TV ads? Do we have to be bombarded with it on Blurtit too? Oh I'm sure I'll hear from several who disagree. Do us both a favor and can it. I am responding to this question because I was specifically asked to. I already accept that any and all of you have the right to disagree. My response to this question is only my own opinion and I'm not trying to sway anyone.
HYPOTHETICALLY and realistically speaking I would prefer to know McCain slipped off peacefully in his sleep than see another president (in this case Obama) assassinated. I hedge my bets.
McCain would not die of old age in office.... Obama sadly has the better chance of being assinated considering people are not ready for a African American as president.
Every one seems to think America isn't ready for an African American president but I don't see what the big deal is..hes human just like everyone else. I think it's time for some change...black, hispanic, woman, anything!!!! Does it really matter just as long as their able to do their job??? I will not be voting this year-in never voted yet- I wanted to, but missed the deadline. But I just hope whoever is president does a better job this time.
Well you better hope nothing ever happens after asking that. BUT UNLESS Obama visits the deep south or something I think that McCain will end up dying of old age first.
Well that's a good one! Its hard to tell,my guess is there will probably be attempts on obama's life but if he is what I believe it must run its course. And I just think were in trouble for Hopefully my vision I had is wrong but 8 hard miserable years for us Christians.
I'm assuming you and hubby are at it again. Not to wish ill fate upon anyone, but....if your speaking of while in office, I think Obama would live out his term(s), I think McCain would become unable to perform his duties during his term. (Nice way to put it, right?)
I don`t think Obama will be assassinated , I`m sure the security is better now than it was when Kennedy was president. I personally believe anyone that as thoughts of killing Obama is probably a ignorant creature redneck foul that needs mental help. Who cares if black white red yellow does really matter?, the country is going down the drain is time for the change.
I think Obama will be assassinated. I don't think America is ready for Obama just yet but hey I don't really now but I really hope he doesn't die!
I happen to know exactly what's going to happen and when, but if told you, I'd have to somehow persuade you not to tell anybody else...
I see Mc Cain, winning then possibly passing on the presidency to Palin. For all the support that Obama, seems to have, when it comes time to vote, people will pick the familiar. I just have that feeling. I just am not excited about the choices this year.
I think, that as worked up as people on both sides are about who will be the future president of the US, even McCain could be assassinated before he died of old age.
I don't believe either has any more or less chance than any other president of dying while in office or being assassinated. Anything can happen to anyone - and as for assassination.. There are always haters and crazy people in the world and they apply to haters of democrats and republicans. Lets for the sake of not thinking EVERYONE is racist leave that out.. There are reasons on many sides to want to get rid of either.. With McCain there are those that feel with him an palin theyre rights to kill unborn babies may be taken.. And there are those that feel with Obama they will lose their freedom to defend themselves and many other freedoms. Any person in such a high profile position runs the risk of some nut wanting to hurt them.. I don't think the odds are really any higher here than at any other time.
First I hope that the what to call them -the misled/fanatics/john hinkley want to be's don't do a repeat on Obama but that said it has been all over the internet about certain groups of people schemeing.....who knows what they are actually planning to do if things don't turn out the way they want it ....McCain I believe would surprise everyone if he makes it into office.. I do believe though that both would suffer from holding the position of commander and chief (especially the shape of the U.S the way it is) as seen by past presidents ..but(yes there is a but) I believe McCain would handle it better by the proof of him handling being a prisoner of war and a cancer survivor...in other words I picture him as a ole bulldog ,once he gets into a situation he doesn't let go. In other words he is in it to win example: Win the war, fixing the economy,fixing these messed up business practices that caused this recession,and putting our government back on the right track .....but(yes another but)- "if" - it did happen(God forbid) look who is in the runner up position....the average Joe and the Alaskan beauty queen....funny-not funny?
I think that there are many that think Obama being black is a big deal. It is a complete and total non issue. And before I go any further, I am not going to make this a matter of my own personal politics. My issue with McCain is that not only is it statistically possible that he could die while in office but that Sarah Palin would then be President (ok, so maybe some of my political issues are going to come into play). Anyway, I think it is more likely for McCain to die than for Obama to be assassinated. But I do believe that there are those that would try and kill him. Freedom1st brought up many very good points.
I agree with the people who agree thats obama has a chance of being assassinated this world is not ready for him yet, they won't accept and eventually it will Probably lead to his assassination... I really hope they don't I think he can really change things for the best
While there may be some people that will try to assassinate Mr. Obama, I do not think that they will succeed. In Mr. McCain's case, I don't know how long he will live. But if he does pass away while in office... Well let's just say that they name "President Palin" scares me.
It is a hard question to answer but I think some people would try to assassinate Obama I do not know if they would succeed though,but McCain he is old so he could die of old age so I do not really know.SORRY
Someone is going to shoot or kill obama in some way if he is elected.
As much as I dislike obama, I would hate to see him shot. How ever I am not aware of any health issues with mccain, so I'd say obama first.
I am voting for the one that I am sure is best for the Country.
I believe that Obama would sooner be assassinated if elected President than McCain would die of old age or sickness while in office
I don't know what to think but I think mccain will win cause he has 1 more % than obama and I found out today obama was born in east africa but I was told he couldn't be running for president if he wasn't born in usa
Sadly I would have to say that Obama would probably be assassinated first. There would be a lot of unhappy republicans if he gets elected (which I hope he will!), and there's also the Koo Klux Klan.
Interesting poser. Think about this......what would happen if Obama was elected and he and Vice President Biden were riding in the same motoecade and they both were assassinated. Then Nancy Pelosi would be the PRESIDENT!
Well, we are all going to die of something! I'd rather one die of old age than be assassinated. But with the thoughts that run through some peoples minds there is NO telling what is going to happen when your hypothetical question becomes reality. Truly, it's not the color of his skin that concerns me.....it's the nature of his religion and of him wanting to distribute the wealth. Sorry, I don't agree with someone working their butt off for something just for the Government to come in a say we're going to take this from you and give to Mr. No Work, Mr. Never worked, and Mr. Never Plans To Work JUST so that they can have what Mr. Worked Hard Every Day of His Life has.
Don't get me wrong. I KNOW there are people that can't work, due to mental illness, physical disabilities, etc. But, if you are fit and able to work....then you should have your butt out there on the lines right beside Mr. Worked Hard Every Day of His Life.
Don't get me wrong. I KNOW there are people that can't work, due to mental illness, physical disabilities, etc. But, if you are fit and able to work....then you should have your butt out there on the lines right beside Mr. Worked Hard Every Day of His Life.
Oh, Lord! P....lease people stop the ranting about people not wanting Obama in just cause of his race. I do not think (With most people anyway, that has any intelligence at all.) it has ANYTHING at all to do with his race but EVERYTHING to do with us ALL keeping our constitutional rights, even our freedom, and anyone knows with any common sense at all that if he gets in there with Nancy Pelosi and that Harry guy, with all 3 of those we can kiss most if not all of that goodbye, if he stays in long enough. He is the most Liberal one that has ever ran for President, and would love to take away our rights, have us all not working for our own money so that the Government can tell us what we can and cannot. SOME people are just pitifully completely, hopelessly blind! May God have Mercy on ALL our souls!
To Okie Granny: I can see where your coming from but I could take this question a little more seriously in terms with there are many racist people out there whom I'm sure are ready to get at him if he is to become president. I am more than positive there are going to be multiple assassination attempts just for his skin color. Then theres McCain who is of old age and who knows when he'll go, point is, if either of them does die as our president, our vp is next in line, now who are we willing to run the country out of the vps? I can truly see where this can look as an offensive question but I can also see it as a question that strikes many, It's also a question of precaution, asking whats going to happen to our president and what's going to happen to the country
I know there are so called head hunters out to try and kill Obama,but my faith in God tells me it won't happen,there will be attempts because you and I both know money talks so there will be monetary offers made,such a cruel,cruel world that lets me and others know everyone talks about the world and the trouble within but the masses like things as they are including Jesse Jackson,he did not make it this far so to be jealous makes a demon of you. I pray that this does not happen win lose or draw,that would be so evil and would have a lasting affect on his children ,I have no Idea how long McCain will survive once again I leave that in the hands of his maker, and wish him the best.
Awhile ago, I saw the news about the arrest of White Supremacists suspected of plotting to assassinate Obama. I am not surprised. I am not thrilled. I'm not happy about it. I don't even believe it. I'll vote for McCain anyway. I think he is hardy. He will survive the Presidency.
I'm answering this question because it was referred to me. I'm sure others have their own opinion and it's different from mine.
I'm answering this question because it was referred to me. I'm sure others have their own opinion and it's different from mine.
Well I'm not going to say who I voted for but I hope that neither of the two happens. Yes McCain is old and that can't be changed but people can change their thoughts on not liking someone because of their color or wanting to kill someone just because they don't like them.
I have a very strong feeling that if Obama wins the presidency, then he will be assassinated. McCain maybe a little old. But that doesn't mean that he's going to just die in the middle of being president. So I think and I know many other people think that he will get assassinated.
Wow, Nascar what a question...I think the word "assassinated" is a little harshly used, because it implies that it is going to happen, like dying of old age is going to happen, but I read on one of your comments that you were bet to ask this question and I believe it...and wow look at the responses it has gotten!
So this is what I think, I think that Mccain is up there in years and its likely he could die before his term of 4 years would be up..where as "assassinating" someone is not natural so to answer your question I think that Mccain has better odds of dying before Obama based on his age if they were to die naturaly..of course
So this is what I think, I think that Mccain is up there in years and its likely he could die before his term of 4 years would be up..where as "assassinating" someone is not natural so to answer your question I think that Mccain has better odds of dying before Obama based on his age if they were to die naturaly..of course
I'm very dissappointed , that people have thoughts of killing Obama because is black . I can't believe that some american people could be so narrowed minds and ignorant. I have only 1 thing to say , thank God for people that were born with brains. Obama will get my vote and I`m not black.
I hope Obama will win, but three times already people have attempted to assassinate him.So most likely (hypothetically speaking) Obama will die first.
Well I read something very disturbing in the paper the other day. In New York, members of the KKK where spreading around nasty threatening fliers about Obama. (not going to repeat what they said) This is a serious thing. Very scarey.
I think its an ok question,
great people in history have been assassinated, white and black which ever for the most stupid ignorant reasons, because of there color beliefs and what not, I voted for obama because I believe that he can make the difference we need, bush is a dumb*ss he f***ed up bad, but sadly I do believe that at least people will try to be taking shots at him, come on now, for the first time we have an aferican american president he made history! And some white people are ignorant and believe that they can make a difference or a point trying to assassinate obama, twice already you heard in the news about people conspiring to assassinate him and 2 days after he got elected people in kkk cloths started pros testing on busy streets , I really hope he makes it because it would just be pushing us backwards if he does get assassinated, but in reality here I think some stupid white person is going to f*** it all up for us sadly but true, I guess well see
great people in history have been assassinated, white and black which ever for the most stupid ignorant reasons, because of there color beliefs and what not, I voted for obama because I believe that he can make the difference we need, bush is a dumb*ss he f***ed up bad, but sadly I do believe that at least people will try to be taking shots at him, come on now, for the first time we have an aferican american president he made history! And some white people are ignorant and believe that they can make a difference or a point trying to assassinate obama, twice already you heard in the news about people conspiring to assassinate him and 2 days after he got elected people in kkk cloths started pros testing on busy streets , I really hope he makes it because it would just be pushing us backwards if he does get assassinated, but in reality here I think some stupid white person is going to f*** it all up for us sadly but true, I guess well see
Well Obama seems to have quite a few who have already plotted to get him and failed, but that will just make them angry and make them try harder. I may not like him, but I would not wish someone to die.... That being said he will probably be assassinated before McCain dies... At least if McCain dies I'll be okay with Palin. Obama is horrible, but the man who would take his place is worse with his naive thoughts on war.
I think the assaination will come first ( I don't wish any harm on anyone by any means ) but you know how cruel the world is and you know their is "BUbba THE TRUE REDNECK" out there that's not going to have a man of color running the country .I mean look at it already the has been some one already arrested for something of this nature right? And the Mcain age part he does have some age on him but you never know the LORd may let him live another 30 years none knows but The LORd . I wish e m long and healthy lives ...
As horrible as this would be, I am afraid of assassination of Obama, esp. Since a plot has already been thwarted. Since he is not white, there are people who will hate him.
I've wondered that myself too. It's a running joke in my school. I think McCain will die first because it's easier to protect someone than keep them alive. It's not just that I like Obama better either. Just the facts.
I think unfortunately Obama would not make it through the first term. Mc Cain is tough and would make it unless he gets assassinated also.
Obama will be assassinated