But he has. The stock market has dropped off nearly 30% since his election. He did say that change is coming. He just didn't specify positive or negative now did he?
Mainly because people do not understand issues usually until the issue becomes their own issue. It is not until the crisis hits home that suddenly the majority of individuals want action. At this point in time of course the issue is much bugger than just their issue but they want the comfort of "their-own" existence remedied right then so "Whats the problem?" Once they are happy again there of course is no more problems!
The other problem is that people forget be careful what you ask for as you may just get it! The issues of not being specific in what type of change they expect and are waiting for in the final analysis of the issue. Change can be just what we are experiencing the beginning fros of a Great Depression! Just because someone yells change does not mean the change will be good! Change is merely something different than what is now the reality. People need to be specific in what they desire. Bush showed us this when he gave the Criminals that caused this mess Trillions of Dollars without specifics on how the funds should be used, as such the banks do what they do, take and keep. The people that were expected to benefit from this De-stimulation have done just what the banks wanted, went broke, as the banks sat on the cash and are in turn now going broke! The banks took more than they needed and without a plan of action just a plan for money that is theirs. The Banks now are wondering what is up as they have no clue aside from stealing money from people with out regulation another Bush Present to the Big Old Blue Void!
If this money were distributed to every individual that filed a tax return last year in equal proportions, the money would be doing what was expected stimulating the economy instead of letting the ink dry in a banks vault and paying for executive jets, perks and resort seminars with spa treatments and bankruptcy filings in attempts to find these now lost funds!
Because they did not want him for president so their minds have narrowed more than what they where already. I think that he will not be able to clean up or fix most of the previous party doings, we will just have to suck it up either way he is the man now.
It is my opinion that most people ( younger ones mostly), do not care. It's been my experience with most of the ones I know that they are so wrapped up in their own problems that they do not vote do not even know who their representative in congress is or for that matter who Governs their state. We must try to get people more interested in what goes on in our government, then maybe people would understand a little better why one person can not change the economy in 3 weeks.
WOW, bitterness on both sides is so childish,temper tantrums anyone?How about this,why do americans believe that any politician,regardless of party can effectively change this economic mess?Politicians, crooked bankers and CEOs w/no business ethics got us into this.Blame Bush?How about Clinton for NAFTA that sent American jobs overseas?Bush came along and did nothing to change that,hes just as guilty and now Mr Obama,another politician that before he decided to run for pres. No one had ever heard of .Our political system may be better than other countries but power hungry career politicians that feed off the divisions within the 2 parties and further split our country are not the solution to our problems.
We understand all right; the greenhorn has caused a massive shortselling in the marketplace, reducing the US economy to two-thirds of what it once was. What we don't understand is why we need to keep letting him screw up our lives.
Would you give your car keys to someone who totals a car at least once a day? Probably not, so why would you give this incompetent bloviator a pass? Is it because you want a fascist state to take care of you?
Looking forward to the day Il Duce 2 is lynched from a lamppost.
Does he even know he can't solve the problems in 3 weeks? I think people thought a new prez. Would come in and whoosh~~~~~~ all better now! A severe wound needs more than a sponge bob bandaid
It's not that people can't understand that the economy can't be changed in 3 weeks. I think intelligence dictates that. That's just an excuse that the lefty's use for people who have their eyes open. It is more that people can't understand how and why someone would act as foolishly and irresponsibly as O in trying to "fix" things. I guarantee that if John McCain or "Joe the plumber" for that matter was president and doing what Obama is doing, none of you lefty's would be whining it's only 3 weeks, it's only 3 weeks! But rather the mantra would be...."You get the rope, I got the torch, let the lynching commence!" Admit it.
I believe people are just so want to turn a blind eye on what it took to get us in this mess after all obama can not walk on water nor can he change the economy alone why are we bickering(dems&rep) togather we stand or divide we will fall, things are going to get better but don't set your clock for any time soon
Because they have little or no sense of history. Take for example the debate over the stimulus package. It is very much like what was done in the 30's with the wpa and the ccc. But the reps and neocons either can't see that or don't want to see that. But what can you do?
Most people do understand that. The ones that are complaining are just typical right wing pieces of crap that are mad because they can't keep raping the populace to line their own pockets.