
Did Anyone Really Believe The Promises Of Obama?


13 Answers

Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
I can't believe the ammendments to stimulus pkg. And now Fanny/Freddie Mac have decided that since your in the middle of foreclosure, we will will let you rent the house, at a lower monthly cost. WTH happened to lowering the mortgage to what could be afforded? Thought that was one of the biggest advantages of the bail-out. Help carry the overhead until everyone got on track.They should not be allowed to recieve one thin dime of anymore bail-out money. Hopefully those people can find other homes and let the Macs go belly up.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
I imagine its that way because they don't want private citizens owning squat. Its easier for the gov to take it over.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
The people must pay for the straw that never spun into the Gold as Rumpelstiltskin promised and seduced the world into believing. The people are also the only one's that must suffer a loss for the jacked-up mortgage scams and Crystal-Meth appraisals of properties to once again inflate the books and profits to pull the Enron-Scam of the Housing market! How come not one originator of these method-high mortgages approved/established by their own mortgage departments and appraisers are LIE-able? Hum
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
I refer you to a question Kkkkatie asked right about the same time as this one //
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes I do give him a chance any body is better than bush hes only been in office a few weeks
thanked the writer.
View all 5 Comments
Speak EEz
Speak EEz commented
You're right. Anybody is better than Bush, who looked like a constipated mental patient everytime he was shown in the media!
Way to be optimistic, clevis.
By now, it's a waste of time to complain! Lol!
Anonymous commented
Talk about a waste of time, clevis no longer exist here.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
Complain? We will all have plenty of time when standing in those long lines for the Governmental-ly challenged lines for soup! Ketchup and Hot Water is the taste of the day, if your lucky you may have a leather shoe thrown in for added-on flavor-flav!
Brian Reed Profile
Brian Reed answered
Yeah I will tell you who believed  his  promises Oprah and a buncha dummasses !
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Well put. Maybe oprah can bail out the economy.hee hee
martha commented
Well she could afford it!
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
Where's my free car Ophra was giving out that she didn't give but was the venue of a mass-slam marketing Scam of the US People! The only thing Fried-Ophra-Loaf gives freely of is her opinion! This is of course as we all know is free and like the other end of her mouth full of the bite-products of her over-indulgences and with the same smell! Just piled Higher and Deeper and attracts Flies which are always eating the same stuff because it is free and in mass abundance!!
Steven Vakula Profile
Steven Vakula answered

There are still archived, since it does not exist in it's original form, debates that deal with this very topic!

Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely!

The Democrats on their surface portray their solidarity with the common, working man of our country, and cry for the rich to be burdened with tax to assist those less fortunate. In practice as has been made so embarrassingly public to President Obama is that the Democrats talk the talk but the walk they take is tax avoidance to the extreme! They are the elite and apparently feel that they are special to the point of not living by the words they preach!

Obama while still naive, giving him a break as he is still a newbie so to speak, is trying to do as he promised. His corner of trusted however are showing their colors without a lot of difficulty. Obama is also following Georgie-Boy in his Big-Business/Banking Crooks tag-along in focusing on these unrepentant organizations as being the focus of the "Bail-Out" which is actually in real-terms "Bail" he is paying to keep these blood-suckers out of the Hole the need to be placed.

I have yet to see the People of this country receive any form of relief in any form. All I see is the people getting worse and worse while money that we are all now responsible to repay for generations are being hog-tied by those receiving our money! Finally Barak just today  is limiting the Top-Executives salaries of these Tax-Sucking Grave robbers to a mere $500,000 a year! WHAT! ONLY!

The Banks are Greedy/Needy and the Big Business Layem-Offs are just warming up for some real smoke and mirrors for the People to suffer. The economic stimulation is more of a masturbation of the Public in attempting to make us believe that we are the one's that will benefit. The Yellow Brick Road is not Gold as we are told! Our money is worth nothing! Our efforts and working public are becoming the surfs to this new Czar of Banking and Corporate Lobbyist that seduce our politicians with the greed of their endeavors while we labor to catch the crumbs from their plates after their pets have finished first before our turn to eat!

Unless the actions of Obama change to focus on the People of this country as the means of economic stimulation this mess, as I have stated numerous time in the last at least 18 months is going to make the Great Depression look like a cake walk! We are almost to the Haves and the Have-nothings and it will get worse if the path does not change and the players keep playing while we keep paying and paying for them!

thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Now that's an inspired speech my friend. That's what i still don't get, we the people are suffering because of corporate greed and criminal activity. Yet, we the screwed people now have to pay for the criminals to screw us even more. WE need bailed out of mess that THEY created. Instead, WE will pay for THEM to carry on as usual. Use the taxpayers money to bury the tax payer. Welcome to the USSA.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
That is the exact point I have been trying to impress on this issue. Give this money to the taxpayers, the only one's getting the screw. The taxpayer will spend the money, invest the money stimulate the economy with this money! The Bailed-out crooked banks are just putting the screws in deeper until there will be none of US left! They care not the people pay for this greed and excess. The false excuse is they provide jobs!
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
God I love Low-Ballers!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Obviously there were a bunch that believed him and now reality is setting in. Looks like they will have to go to work to survive, there just aren't enough workers to support the drones.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
But not to fret......the tax payers will soon be working those 12 hour, straight time shifts, to help ease the burden of the sloth who has butt cramps from the dent inflicted to the couch. While glued to oprah, they will need extra monetary aide to compensate their inability to take care of themselves. Maybe we need to establish nursing homes for the chronically lazy. They can hang out, breed like rabbits, sleep all'll be great.
Anonymous commented
For some reason, the name of a female dog is censored, but a guest saying go die in reference to America and its president is ok. Somethings not right here....
martha commented
True- what gives
Jon Profile
Jon answered
He scares me.  I can't exactly explain it. It's prolly his socialist attitude.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
A Lot of people have that same vibe. I believe they call those people non-kool aide drinkers.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Of course not, including the seven promises that were broken at the beginning of the week with the signing of the Spendulus Bill. Not all of us drank the Koolaid.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Were gonna need a lot of tequila to counter the kool-aide.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
I thought it was the SpendusintoHell, Love Bill, Hill and Obama and his Mama?

Jim Jones did come back from the dead! Hard to swallow that Koolaide again, must be all the foreign aide?
nettie Profile
nettie answered
There are a lot of spin doctors in the world and hear what they want to hear I heard him say he was not for bailing out bad business decision makers the Ceo that can't attend a meeting without owning and flying in a private personal jet,why not go commercial,drive take the train,CEO's that go belly up and apply for bailout from the government,while they are living well and laying of workers after years on the job,banks going belly up and expect help from the gov. And it will not happen over night because we did not get to were we are over night,what did you hear,the president has his work cut out for him, and trust me it will take more than 8 years to get things half way back to normal,this wait can not be heaped upon him as if all this is his fault,this mess was here when he got to be president he is a great man to even attempt me personally would not have stepped in it if it was handed to me on a silver platter,it is difficult to please all people at the same time so you have to try and lift the majority and go forward...    
thanked the writer.
nettie commented
Thanks for the shitty rating whom ever rated,this is my opinion and I'm sticking to it...perhaps you should run next time for the position,put that talk into action,if you are not a part of the solution than you are a part of the problem.......good luck
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, I believed the promises of Obama, and he's making good on them.  He's striving to "spread the wealth around" and is removing "detainees" from Guantanamo to give them the rights of American citizens.  I never thought he was kidding about these promises.

Apparently, though, now that he's President, making a decision on abortion is no longer above his pay-grade, since he's pulling in a cool $400,000 a year now.  (Never mind the fact that his investments pull in way more than that.)

Here's an aside: He is on record saying that one's moral views derived from religion ought not be considered when writing laws and forming policies.  

Say what?

Oh, and will he volunteer his own wealth to spread around?
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
Not to mention his militant wife makes a 6 figure income from a food production plant that she sits on the board of. But that's a whole other story, I'll have to re-research for that one. I don't want to be accused of telling half truths.and no his wealth is his wealth. The spreading will come from our taxes. Ours meaning the middle and lower class. Only the top 5% of our population will be the elite. The other 95% will be the slaves.
Anonymous commented
Oh yeah! He's also making good on his promises to his financial backers by putting money in the "stimulus" bill for every liberal interest group in the U.S. It's disgusting...
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented

This was a question asked by andre21198

I refer you to this question asked aproximatley 2 months ago and then of couse review my comments at that time. Now is this the current events or is there something that I am missing?
Paul Price Profile
Paul Price answered
Yes I believe every word he says,  for now.
I am in the UK and I believed every word of Blairs back in 1997 however saying and doing are two very different actions and in politics no promise should be believed.
Promises and politics just don't sit well together.
Sadly pragmatism wins in the end.
thanked the writer.
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
I promise that any political promise is like an attorney promise that things will be OK! For them yes, for us? Come on, they are attorney's and have two parts a mouth and an anus and each are interchangable!
Anonymous commented
You should write a book count. You have a way with words like no other. Call it " the audacity of our miserable existance."
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You seem to have plenty of information on how obama is bad and you agree with anyone who has listened to people like you. But when someone says to give obama a chance which you have obviously not done you just shut him down. Try looking at both sides.
thanked the writer.
Anonymous commented
We gave Obama a chance, and within one month he has caused the DJIA to tank more than in any one-month period in the Bush 2 Administration. How much more of a chance does the Manchild-in-Chief need?
Anonymous commented
Was that the house or field variety?
Steven Vakula
Steven Vakula commented
They are making us all fast for the new major holiday of the USSA, the Annual May Day Parade celebration! To bad Fidel can't make the first one! Will be all the field-hands annual 1/4 day of rest!

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