
Would you agree that "Religious Freedom" has bigoted America’s backdoor to a nostalgic time before Civil Rights?


4 Answers

Shinypate one Profile
Shinypate one answered

No. And religious freedom was not used to support segregation, as churches led in the civil rights era. Without religious freedom, we might well still have segregation.

I am mystified at the opposition of some to religious freedom, as if it were controversial. It is not, and it was the first amendment for a very good reason. It also was the most universally supported one, being unanimously approved. What can you possibly hope to gain by arguing against it?

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Shinypate one
Shinypate one commented
You know, i am done with this. You want this to be popular, yet when it is put to a vote it doesnt pass. So younwant the unelected judges to award gays a right they have never had and which our founders would never have considered and you think i am wrong for saying we shoild get a cote for it. WELL Roe v. Wade was done on such a basis and it does not enjoy the support of Brown v Board because it never bothered to win over the churches. I understand your desire to force your views on us. I just think it will set up decades of turmoil.
Shinypate one
Shinypate one commented
Actually this is an unhistorical argument. The 14th amendment was voted on. Civil Rights legislation has been repeatedly voted on, as have a lot of voting rights legislation. I think you want it to be only something judges do, and that voting has nothing to do with it, but it's a LOT more complex than you think. We derive our civil rights from the consent of the governed, in part, and from natural rights, in part. Those that are based in natural rights have a stronger claim than those that are from the consent of the governed. But one has trumped the other repeatedly, as for example, our natural right to privacy is trumped by the consent regarding national security.
Shinypate one
Shinypate one commented
If you really think Americans are behind this, put it to the vote. What you will find is that the polls are unreliable and that actual voters do not approve it. For example, in California, gay marriage did not pass (it got less than 49% of the vote) despite polling over 50%.
If you believe the rightness of your position, you put it to the vote. That's called Democracy. I think you will find it does NOT pass.
Moselle Hubbel Profile
Moselle Hubbel answered

No.  I don't think the time before Civil Rights seems all that nostalgic for one.  Also, religion had very little influence on civil rights.  The most it did was encourage Civil Rights.  Seeing as "bigoted" has a negative connotation, I would have to say that no, religious freedom has not bigoted anything.  Even atheism is a religious belief.

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

No.  I would be hard pressed to DISAGREE much more. 

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Not at all. The current trouble is in thanks to POTUS Obama and his friends who are starting trouble enroute to accomplishing his agenda to destroy America and is getting everyone to turn on another and is using religious freedom as an excuse

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