Have the people who hate on Obama forgot about the lying and oil-thirsty Republican Bush administration?


7 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

Can't move into the future if you hang onto the past. Bush is history and Obama is what we have to deal with now and Obama is headed to destroy America, which Bush never did. Obama is already going down as the worst POTUS in History books.

Obama lied and defrauded America to even get into the WH and right now Obama is on the verge of creating the greatest civil war this country has ever seen. Not all is Obama's fault as the New World Order controls Obama Puppet strings as Obama is NOT intelligent enough to do this on his own.  So forget Bush and worry more about what is at hand

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Arthur Wright
Arthur Wright commented
Kaywinnet, you are really wrong here as Bush never did what to America that Obama has and Bush never supported Americas enemys and Bush never used lies and deceit to win the election and Bush will provide an authentic Birth Certificate. Obama should have been arrested for High Treason long ago and shot in front of a Firing Squad along with his friend. Obama has sold America out to Americas enemies and will start a huge civil war next month if he goes thru with Jade Helm15 so bar none, Obama is by far the worst POTUS there has ever been in US History and anyone that sides with Obama and friends, can only hate this country as much as he does.
Awesome  Autumn
Awesome Autumn commented
You go, Arthur. Obama's worse than Carter.
Awesome  Autumn Profile
Awesome Autumn answered

How long ago, was in Bush in office, dude? Exactly, move on. Smh

DDX Project Profile
DDX Project answered

We're still as oil thirsty as ever and continue to be so until the very last barrel of oil. THEN, the rest of us will start thinking about what's next? Which by then would be a little bit too late. Just a little bit... Lol

From what I see, those who hate Obama usually have problems or issues in their lives. Putting the blame on the big man was easy. However in Bush's case, the problems were affecting almost everyone. I've seen some people's 401k drop 40% and many stupidly sold off everything in their portfolio to drop it even more (lucky for me, thanks BUSH!) . Everywhere there was panic. Evidence were more concrete as President Bush's actions correlates with one thing or another.

In Obama's case however, life isn't so miserable for the typical person. Unless you live in the boonies or poor rural areas, life is great. But as as soon as you turn on the TV, you're bombarded with all these headlines. "Scandals" "The end is coming" "USA Failing" "Obama is an Abomination!" "Impeding doom" "Boogie woogie boogieman!"

Anyway,  nobody forgot. They just found someone else to blame for their poor life choices and decision making. It just so happens that the current big man is Obama.

Chandler Howard Profile
Chandler Howard answered

Well the Iraq war cost 3 trillion, plus 6000 American soldiers died. So I think it was best left undone. And I guess there was no weapons in Iraq. But they did liberate it but Obama care is pretty pricey as well.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Are you saying Obama and his administration hasn't lied? Get a grip. All politicians lie. Some faction of the US population is not going to be happy with whoever is in the White House. Get used to it.

Kayle Smyth Profile
Kayle Smyth answered

No. But Bush isn't our problem now. Obama is. But if more republicans voted, Obama wouldn't be our problem. YOUR VOTE DOES COUNT! They have proven that if all republicans would have voted for people or laws, they would have passed/been elected.

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