No matter whether one likes Trump or not , he does tell the truth and doesn't sugar coat anything and is tired of our big Government. Now I may not agree with what he said about McCain, and I was in that POW camp with McCain for a few months at the last, but its what our Constitution stands for that lets him speak his mind and this is what we need in the WH to overturn the past 6 1/2 years. He wont take the crap Obama takes and will do something about it for sure but I'm afraid Obama wont let this happen as he will call for Martial Law long before next years elections so he stays in office
What's up with Donald trump? I think he has the guts to say what many are thinking, but won't admit it. He ( so far has my vote ) How bout you?
I think he is a disgrace. He made sure he got his deferments and then has the nerve to be dismissive of a man who volunteered to serve, endured indescribable torture, choose to stay in captivity rather than be used as a propaganda tool, and far from being broken, went on to a distinguished career and a successful family life.
Donald Trump is an embarrassment to this country.
No question the man is brilliant and a shrewd businessman, and he hasn't gotten to his social and financial standing by playing 'nice nice' .. My guess is, he is not driven by what he can do for his country, but what his country can do for him. I could be wrong, but my gut tells me he is not in this 'game' to do anything else but gain something he hasn't been able to attain, at least not yet .. He already HAS copious wealth .. Now he wants ultimate power. Something tells me THAT is his goal .. THAT is the type of overachiever he is.
The second I heard he was running, and listened to his announcement, I said Yeah! Someone who is NOT politically correct, and is just CORRECT. Like most I think its time to stand up and say ENOUGH BS lets fix this mess we are in. Tell it like it is and stop whitewashing and avoiding the truth. Tired of being led around by big bucks who have no regard for anything but their greed!
We are a like third world country now, corrupt and filled with poverty as a majority because the minority wants us that way so they can get richer.
That's one reason why he has my vote. He talks about all of his unpopular opinions. He won't sugar coat anything; he'll just give it to you straight and forward. People keep talking about how politicians lie all the time. Well, you've got one now that won't lie to you because it makes you feel better.
I feel like because he lets people know about his unpopular opinions, he shows he's more human than the other candidates. Every candidate has unpopular opinions, as does any human being in society. And unlike other candidates, he doesn't care if you like his or not. I like the guy.
I'd rather know the unpopular views that a person holds before they become President, rather than the President spilling them after they enter office.
Someone who doesn't need the money.
He has our vote...
Trump is the only one speaking out against McCain's warmongering, but Trump is being a jerk on Twitter purposely. Also he called Mexicans rapists.
Trump is out of control he acts like a child