For those of you following such things, how did you feel about Ted Cruz's speech at the RNC last night?


5 Answers

otis campbell Profile
otis campbell answered

i live in texas and i still dont know how this canadian became a texas senator. He is like a used car salesmen

Tom  Jackson Profile
Tom Jackson answered

I had reluctantly assumed that Cruz would be the Republican candidate when this first started out.

But he didn't fit my understanding of the profile of a person who appreciated what this country was and is and needs to be and how to "carry on." (My opinion only.)

On the other hand, one can reasonable infer what a man is by what he does and says.  (I'm referring to Trump with that sentence.)

While some think Cruz is nothing more than a sore loser, I think that he choose both a very important and honorable hill "to die on."

Not only do I respect him for that, but I both admire and esteem what he did last night---not least of all because I think the point he is making is exceedingly important.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I think he proved himself to be the weasel he is.  I think Trump made him look like a dork. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Tinkerbell St. Basil Profile

Sour grapes!  Sore loser proved himself to be a petty, arrogant, lime-light seeking fool with no class.

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