The United Way- Not an actual charity, but a funds distribution clearinghouse for real charities. Roughly a dozen top figures in this politically prominent "nonprofit" entity still make six figures or better. Some have no offices or staffs within United Way facilities. Four former execs have served prison time for misuse (distribution, anyone?) of funds.
Susan G Komen Fund- has spent tens of millions of its contributions on media, advertising, and especially lawsuits against perceived copyright violations of "For the Cure". Also boasts a number of excessively paid execs and celebs. One wonders how an actual cure would benefit Komen.
-----but both are miniscule compared to the all-time Titan of Scams----
Organized religion. So intrinsically foul and mismanaged, its peak period is still known as the Dark Ages. Name an evil, any depravity or indignity, and this collective did it first, more, and for longer.