Do u think the electorial college system is fair? Hillary got the majority in popular vote but lost in elec. College?


10 Answers

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

It is designed to keep a balance of power throughout the country. If we went with the popular vote people in metropolitan areas would have an unfair advantage. Presidents would tend to cater more to them and their needs and less to the people in rural areas. While there may be more people in cities and surrounding areas, it is the rural areas that grow our food and supply our water. Their voices need to be heard also. 

Didge Doo Profile
Didge Doo answered

We get that kind of anomaly in Oz, too, though our system is quite different to yours. But it applies equally to both parties and it's not based on a gerrymander so, yeah, I think it's fair enough.

That kind of result is always disappointing to the defeated candidate, though.

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

That same question was asked in 2008 and 2012 by Republicans when Obama was elected only this time, Democrats lost. I'll tell Liberals the exact same thing they told me after those elections, "Trump won. He's our new president, get over it." Of course, I would never say that to my Blurtit family, but there are those pesky liberal friends of mine that I don't mind saying that to.

Virginia Lou Profile
Virginia Lou answered

Hi Otis,

This map of a previous election in Washington State illustrates the point Gator Blu is making...Barack Obama got 62% in 2012, but look how many counties went red.

Hillary got 56% of the vote yesterday... I can tell you, the agricultural communities in Eastern Washington are extremely resentful of liberal Seattle's voting power.

4% of Washington voters went Libertarian.

Pepper pot Profile
Pepper pot answered

Fair isn't really a word that should be equated with Politics. Let's face it Americans citizens were left with two people, neither of which they would really want for their President, both with questionable backgrounds, Hilary has also, like Trump a long history of scandal. I would not leave a child of mine in the care of either of these people. So for me I think George Carlin says it best when it comes to politics, and I'll leave a few links here which I hope will give some sense of perspective, togetherness and rest in the aftermath.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I guess I feel like my opinion is just that, the end of the day it doesn't change the way our election system works. It is what it is....

Nina Nina Profile
Nina Nina answered

I said it earlier but NO! It is not fair. Hillary should just be our freaking president and Donald Trump should just mind his own business as a businessman. Because our country said so.

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