I'm in. National Ellis Island Family History day. I shutter to think what this country would be like if we imposed today's imigration policies back then.
Is today your day? It is April 17th International Bat Appreciation Day, National Ellis Island Family History Day, National Haiku Poetry Day, and National Cheeseball Day.
I'm in.
I've seen my family name on a roster at Ellis Island.
I like certain cheeseballs.
I appreciate bats. Yeah, they can be nasty looking, but they eat a lot of pesky insects.
I'm not wild about Haiku poetry, but I'm definitely in for the rest of the list!
I like bats but if they get into sn attic...trouble. Luckily it hasn't happened to me. Bats are getting a highly contagious fungus which can endanger them. Sad !
Love poetry, all kinds. I'm therefore in !!
I'm with Janis I don't like haiku poetry, but I do like cheese balls so I guess I'm in. :)
I'm too lazy to chase bats. I'm too tired to create a haiku. I'm too uneducated about the Ellis island and the cheeseball thing. (I thought a cheese ball was a fluffy round Cheeto! 😅 I am presuming I am wrong! 😅😅😅) So it looks like I am taking a glass of ice tea under Tigers tree today. 🤗
Just no to bats... Unless it’s in baseball.
Cheeseball they are yummy!
I’m in